Life Breath

Breathe in: God you are with Me
Breathe out: Be with me God

It is a serious thing
Mary says
To be alive
On this fresh morning

Is a serious thing

Because we know the world
is still broken
But listen a bird is singing
the sun breaks through the cloud
And the children are asking
and true questions
that break through the mire

Startling a laugh
because evil is ridiculous
and life is breathlessnessly


We are seriously alive
taking in the pneuma
That refills our souls

As I remind myself that
asking for help
is a hope-filled
Community affirming act

And that repair
is what I believe after all

Most days

Feel free to use/share/adapt with credit to Pastor Katy Stenta “KatyandtheWord”

sun rising over the mountains art by Shelby Thane “It is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in this broken world.” Mary Oliver

Jesus Christmas Eve

Christ won’t be in Church
This Christmas
He is too busy
To go to Washington

He never had $7 to spare

You’ll catch him
Catching rainwater
For those trapped in Gaza

Healing the sick flocks to feed up Pakistan

He won’t be singing hymns

Except maybe in respite in Syria, Cambodia, Sudan;

Tucked into the corner of a charity school in the Philippines

Cradling people
Under his wings

He’ll be lying on the floor of echoing, ancient churches of Armenia—unconcerned by their unadorned emptiness

He is in the shadows of the room
Where one sits weeping, in grief

I know where Jesus will be
the food pantries


You know…

Jesus never did
like crowds


Feel Free to Use/Share/Adapt with Credit to Katy Stenta Katyandtheword)

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Advent Prayer

Here’s a Prayer for Advent
For those are stuck in injustice for so long
they seek justice with every breath they breathe
and long for a new kind of liberation.

Here’s a prayer for those
stuck in the throes of grief
gnarled in the pain
and cannot feel those who are holding their hands in darkness.

Here is a prayer those
sick so prologuedly, they don’t remember
what health feels like, and subsist instead
on better days.

Here’s a prayer for the lonely
whose teeth ache when they see companionship
who lurk in the corners of libraries and shops
and love to converse with strangers and angels unawares.

Here’s a prayer for the victims
of violence and abuse
from microagressions to verbal, from physical to assassination
To all those who cannot be safe because where they are or who they are.

Here’s a prayer for those who just don’t know Lord
They are just so tired and confused, and stuck
They aren’t sure where to go next or what to do
But they are certain that they need to figure out the next step.

Here’s a prayer for those on the edge of death,
you know the ones God, waiting for that next family gathering
or that last visit, or the strength to let go–
Or even Christmas to pass, in order to join the rest of the Saints.

This is a prayer for all those waiting,
Maybe what we have is not yet hope, perhaps it is hoping for hope
But that is enough to light the candle together
That is enough to wait for God together, for the miracle whispers to us.

It whispers of the one who is to come:
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Purveyor of Peace
And Government will rest upon their shoulders–
God, we are holding our breath, and light the candle hoping for hope.

We are praying with the world today, O Come, O Come Emmanuel we Pray. Amen.

Feel Free to Use/Share/Adapt with credit to Pastor Katy Stenta

Full Advent Resources

Messy Hope, a Prayer


I wonder if everything

In heaven will be well loved

Like a comfortable sweater

And a couch that hugs your butt just the wife way.

Holy Spirit you know how I am longing for comfort.

For the things of childhood that were so soothing:

Playing in the grass, coloring so hard you could smell the crayons, saying hi ready to make friends with the world.

Sometimes when people long for the good old days. I think they are wishing for their inner child

—even if they don’t remember who that was.

Ans yet Jesus, you know

And say that a child shall lead us.

God you know that nothing is gently used in my house—my kids are busting with energy and ready to fully embrace everything life has to offer.

Couches are to jump on.

Juice boxes spilling out with sweet goodness.

Mud and dirt brimming with life.

God, in this time of turmoil, help me to taste heaven.

Because surely this chaos is what Pentecost was like!

Come Holy Spirit! Fill us with some messy hope today we pray.


Feel free to use/adapt/share with credit to Pastor Katy Stent

Truth: A Prayer

Guns don’t spell peace

Just like White Supremacy can’t define Jesus

And Transphobia doesn’t protect families–but breaks them

And making abortion illegal, never, ever prevents abortions


How can we humans be so confused

as to take the truth and completely

misconstrue it

so that somehow we make Christianity about power

and Church about politics?

Sometimes I think about this and I think,

only us humans are silly enough to mess up

messages as simple and easy as:

Love and serve one another

or the last shall be first.

Yet here we are God,

Tangling Truths around our Tongues,

Tricking ourselves, with comforting lies.

Ignoring the whisper of the Holy Spirit that says:

Fear Not.

Nothing can separate you from the Love of God

You can never be replaced.*

I hope you have some truth for us today, God.

Some clear, cool and collected truth,

gathered into the waters of baptism–

spilling into our hearts and souls.

Because we need your truth.

Help us to tell ourselves the truth

I pray.

We pray.

Amen. Feel Free to share/adapt/use with credit to Pastor Katy Stenta

*replacement theory is a dangerous white supremacist theory that white Americans are being replaced usually by Jewish and Black People and it promotes violence and terrorism against said “replacement” races and religions. It is dehumanizing, bigoted, wrong and as stated a terrorist training ground.

Bullshit, A Prayer


Your coming back was such good news,

that the disciples called it bullshit–

we translate it nicer in church;

can you imagine that?


Jesus did you think that our job



as Christians was to do

such extraordinarily good things

that when we did them

people would say

Bullshit! No one would ever do that!


And not so like, anyone would become Christian

or perfect

(because lets face it Jesus,

people are onto you when you are trying to steal their souls)

But just like, treat humans with respect.


Sometimes I imagine that churches paid every single person a living wage

or rallying for the forgiveness of debts (Reminder: Jubilee is a Biblical concept)

and working hard for universal healthcare for our congregants (the stories I could tell)

or even just make it so every sanctuary was a sanctuary for immigrants



and those who are mentally Ill

and Those with addictions

and people with disabilities

and those who were houseless


If all those could feel welcome, accepted, heard and be essential to the leadership!

A place for teens to hang out without anyone worried about lawsuits.

And we got past tokenizing everyone who is different than us (hello white church).

I bet if we worked on a couple of these things, the church would become more Christ-like–what do you think Jesus?


Sometimes I dream that churches were changing the world–

and then I wake up, amazed that no one has cried out



God I’m praying for that kind of church,

until then, I hope I hang our more with

Mary, Mary and Martha,

and keep saying things that make people say


Universal Basic Income for everyone? That sounds like bullshit!


Can’t wait Jesus, Till then,

I’ll keep praying

Idle Prayers,

And doing the work to make them

Working Prayers again.


Feel free to use/share/adapt with credit to Pastor Katy Stenta

Like my work? Please support my Doctorate in Creative Writing in Ministry–as a Public Theologian at Pittsburgh Seminary


April 17th Resurrection: Hope Seeing Resurrected Jesus

April 17th Resurrection: Hope Seeing Resurrected Jesus

John 20:1-18

Psalm 118:21-29

Call to Worship

Christ is Risen

He is Risen indeed

The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone

Look the Lord’s doing wondrous things before our eyes

This is the day that the Lord has made

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Call to Confession: God sees us exactly as we are and loves us, so come let us confess ourselves to God. 

Confession: Jesus, we confess that sometimes we are blinded by tears or turned away, and it is hard to recognize you. We confess that all too often we do not practice or believe in the power of resurrection, so it sneaks by us. Forgive us, teach us to see the seeds you are planting, for you are, after all, the original gardener, and help us to co-create and tend the seeds of resurrection so that they grow, we pray in the name of the resurrection Jesus. Amen. 

Assurance of Pardon: Christ is risen, so you are forgiven. Know the truth: In Jesus Christ we are Forgiven.

Prayer of the Day/Dedication: We are an Easter people, a Resurrection People, let us name it and claim it we pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Please support my writing: Katy’s Doctorate in Ministry in Creative Writing at Pittsburgh Seminary. 

For Word versions of the Liturgy email me at Katyandtheword at gmail

From Lament to Hope Full Resources

March 13 Jesus Washes Feet: Hope of Serving

Jesus Washes Feet: Hope of Serving

John 13:1-17

Psalm 51:7-12

Call to Worship

God we gather to serve

For you first served us, the one who taught the first will be last

Jesus we long to be near you

Come let us worship the alpha and omega

Call to Confession: God calls all those who are in relationship with God to come into God’s presence for confession, come let us confess ourselves to God and each other

Prayer of Confession: God, I confess that I am like Peter crying out create in me a clean heart God, clean my feet and my hands and my whole body! Because some days I understand all too well all of my imperfections, and they seem to scream at me, from my body and my personality and my accomplishments. Remind me God, that you sent Jesus to show us how to love and serve one another, no more, no less, and that your grace is infinite. Remind us, we pray in your most Holy name. Amen. 

Assurance of Pardon: God always restore us to the joy of salvation, hear the good news of the gospel: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

Prayer of the Day/Dedication: God we come to you fully confessing ourselves and ready to be washed clean. Let us go forth rejoicing and ready to serve our God. Amen

Children: Discuss Baptism and how Confession is a renewal of Baptism

Hymns: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Create in Me a Clean Heart, Jesu Jesu Fill Us with Your Love, I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me

Please support my writing: Katy’s Doctorate in Ministry in Creative Writing at Pittsburgh Seminary.

For Word versions of the Liturgy email me at Katyandtheword at gmail

From Lament to Hope Full Resources

Lent: Narrative Lectionary, From Lament to Hope

If you like my work, please contribute to my Doctorate in Ministry in Creative Writing at Pittsburgh Seminary. I’m 75% the way there this year!

For Word Versions of resources please Email Katyandtheword at

From Lament to Hope 

Ash Weds: Full Service

March 2

The Good Shepherd: Ashes A Prayer

500,000 People: Ashes

John 10:1-18

Psalm 23

March 6

Jesus Raises Lazarus: Jesus Wept, Lament

John 11:1-44

Psalm 104:27-30

March 13

Jesus Washes Feet

John 13:1-17

Psalm 51:7-12

March 20

Peter’s Denial: Lament and Denial

John 18:12-27

Psalm 17:1-7

March 27

Jesus and Pilate 

John 18:28-40

Psalm 145:10-13

April 3

Jesus Condemned

John 19:1-16a

Psalm 146

April 10

The Crucified Messiah: Sermon Ideas, Pile of Good Things

John 12:12-27

Psalm 24

April 14

Maundy Thursday

Jesus Last Words: An in Person, Virtual or Stations Worship Service

John 19:23-30

Psalm 26:3

Betrayed: A Prayer for the Brokenhearted

April 15

Good Friday Worship: Burying Jesus, An In Person or Virtual Worship Service Based on the texts

Good Friday: Good Friday Worship Juxtaposing Communion & Lord’s Prayer

Good Friday: John Tenebrae

Jesus the Passover Lamb

John 19:31-42

Psalm 31:9-18

April 17th 

Resurrection: Hope Seeing Resurrected Jesus

John 20:18

Psalm 118:21-29

April 24 


Sermon Ideas:

But Thomas

Brave Thomas

John 20:19-31

Psalm 145:13-21

If you like my work, please contribute to my Doctorate in Ministry in Creative Writing at Pittsburgh Seminary. I’m 75% the way there this year!

Santa Hat Prayer


You know that every year,

around Thanksgiving,

My advent prayer looks like a Santa Hat–

(and yes I cheat and start earlier)

You know which one I mean.

The really real one,

deep red one that got last minute at a drugstore,

that I can no longer find anywhere

that one I spent $6 Freshman year of college…

Way too close to 9/11,

This hat was a promise that


despite the exams, the terrorism, the depression and the needless war

Christmas would come that year

And that Christianity didn’t have to look like

whatever it looked like on the news that year…

(and honestly how its looked since then too)

I wear that prayer on my head

and Holy Spirit only you know how it is I haven’t lost that hat in the following twenty years

I have tried to buy another hats, similar hats, but its never worked, and always return to this one–worn throughout Thanksgiving til Christmas.

Somedays, I forget I am wearing the Santa hat, til someone flashes a smile, or compliments me,

or calls me Mrs Claus, And then I wink and tell them I’m actually Santa

And when Children ask why I wear the hat, I say its because I get to teach about Christmas because I’m a Pastor

and it reminds me…

why I do all of this.

Last year, it was a relief to wear it some as things slowly opened,

this year, I suspect that it will be more defiant,

as Covid rages on, and humans are not my favorite beings

at the moment.

But I’ll be here,

wearing a prayer,

like hope, peace, joy and love

upon my head–

Thank God for twenty years of Santa hats–

and all the pieces of prayers that we wear on our hearts

today and everyday.

Give us all the pieces of prayers you can this season

I pray


Feel free to use/adapt/share with credit to Pastor Katy Stenta