Prayer for the Young Adults

Here’s a prayer for the Young Adults
The ones who we say are the future
the generations we send out into the world

Here’s a prayer for the protestors
The young reporters and truth tellers
The ones who are trying to get our attentions

Here’s a prayer for the ones who can’t shut up
Who are listening to the community activists and organizers
Who are getting it done–and then are being denigrated for it

Here’s a prayer for the ones who are lost, in hate (I hope its fewer than it seems)
who need the excuse to act up and out
for those who have enmity, racism and white supremacy at the ready

Here’s a prayer for the Young Adults
The ones who are already leading, who are forcing us to have
the deeper conversations, that we were all avoiding

Until now

Thank God for the Youth
Who pray with their feet, their tents and their bodies
Ceasefire Now

Feel free to use/share/adapt with credit to Pastor Katy Stenta “KatyandtheWord”

Rainbow Prayer

A Rainbow Prayer for the Methodists
After all the rain
A promise written in the sky
that violence will cease
Love will be covenanted
and celebrated

A rainbow prayer for the world
that the world will call you
by your chosen name
that your chosen family
will be found
in sanctuaries
you can escape to

when needed

A rainbow prayer
for all the children
who cradle the wonders
of the wonder
when they look at the rainbows
and see
and Beauty

Rainbow Prayers
Breathing in the Alleluias
Even as tears stream down
reflecting tiny rainbows
of the world
as it will be
When we all realize

the Fierce and
and Wonderfully Made
Beauty of the Rainbow


Feel free to use/share/adapt with credit to Pastor Katy Stenta “KatyandtheWord”


As my Graduation approaches on May 31st 2024, I wanted to thank you again for your support. Your generosity has not only allowed me to study, explore my theology and write my thesis “Let’s Yell at God” but also to write a number of Sermon Series, contextual Psalms and Prayers and Liturgies for people to reflect on, pray and share. It is my hope someday to publish if the way be clear (a phrase that means if the right pieces somehow come together and God helps along the way). However, I am aware that this was truly a community effort. The donations to my work have numbered over 300. The views of my work has been 100 a day and 30,000 a year. This is not the degree of just one person—but truly the work of Public Theology, as it will say in May. 

I often think about how this theology is one in the legacy of Mr. Rogers, who’s alma mater I am attending. This is supposed to be about putting theology in the public sphere in new ways. Sometimes prayer writing seems ordinary and pedestrian, and others, it feels like the tool that needs to to spark what needs to happen, the way to give permission for people to wrestle with those things in their lives that just seem to be impossible. 

As someone who is always talking—it’s just that sometimes that dialogue happens to be out loud, prayer has been a lovely outlet for me to continue process what it means to be 

This thing we call


Thank you for being part of the journey 

And helping me to fund a degree that would not have happened without the community.


Community and PCUSA Insurance Changes

This is about the PCUSA insurance changes

Book of Order E-1.0301

The Church is the body of Christ. Christ gives to the Church all the gifts necessary to be his body. The Church strives to demonstrate these gifts in its life as a community in the world (1 Cor. 12:27–28):

The Church is to be a community of faith, entrusting itself to God alone, even at the risk of losing its life.

The Church is to be a community of hope, rejoicing in the sure and certain knowledge that, in Christ, God is making a new creation. This new creation is a new beginning for human life and for all things. The Church lives in the present on the strength of that promised new creation.


Today the Board of Pensions released its plan to charge churches and pastors insurance according to the cost of plans.

Constitutionally, every installed pastor has to be covered by insurance, but not

retired pastors
uninstalled pastors
pastor’s spouses
pastor’s children
temporary pastors
pastors between calls

so the plan charges $10,000-$20,000 more, unless you are a big steeple church, then you are excused from some of the costs–there is a still a cap on the maximum you have to pay
(because it makes little difference, which is irking in so many ways).

Throughout the listening sessions, BOP exhorted pastors to trust their churches, but the reality is many churches cannot afford to pay more.

And many pastors can afford their call only because of the superior health coverage that is given them.

Many young pastors, especially women (the healthiest quotient) will walk.

I bet many more People of Color..

those who are already discriminated against will be moreso
I attended most of the Town Halls, BOP argued both that discrimination is already happening, and that everything will be ok.

They said that few people will be affected, and that they cannot afford to care for the retirees, the spouses and the children.

But our pensions are fine (I must admit if I hear my so called pension, which I will probably never reach, is fine one more time, I might scream) since I first started ministry, when I could not afford food for my children, or the housing, when I was poverty stricken, and negotiating every cent I made, I was assured over and over again, but my pension is fine. Great, wonderful, what about Maslow’s principles of human needs?

Plus at the moment the retirement medical plan Humana is not accepted at either of our local hospitals, which is pretty ridiculous.

I will admit, as a pastor I cannot understand how we are not rallying for single-payer healthcare. I held so many congregants hands who have told me the health aid didn’t show up. Fielded the phone calls from couples who could not physically take care of one another but could not get in to a nursing home, talked to children who did not know what to do with parents, driven people to doctor’s appointments because they literally had no one else to do it.

How are we not on the frontlines of this?

For our congregations, our part times staffs, and ourselves?

When I assess the BOP, it feels like they are not doing their job
often they admit that they will not do as directed by General Assembly–they do not follow the dictates of the Constitution to live in community even at the risk of themselves.

Even though it is our core belief.

When asked outright if they approached other denominations to team up more closely. (We already cooperate on some level with some denominations.)

They admitted they did not.

When asked if they pursued more creative Co-op options, one that might include congregants (which would take restructuring but would that not be amazing?) or even just to be more creative in our leveraging, one of which my best friend, who is a real estate agent found one and is participating in.

They said they did not.

The sum of their research suggested sharing pulpits–which is a good and sound suggestion; one we have been doing for hundreds of years as a denomination.

When one takes in the exorbitant salaries of the top BOP officials, who participate in our healthcare–capped of course–it calls into question, did they do their jobs?

When small scrappy churches are required to risk everything for Christ and figure out how to creatively survive every year, month and day.

When pastors sacrifice a lot to be in ministry, and yes have the privilege of good healthcare, in this admittedly white collar job.

I predict a lot of young ministers leave ministry as a result, a lot of people with families and children, particularly women (ironically this is the healthiest quotient in insurance: young, women).

Perhaps ministry is changing, perhaps healthcare will no longer be a part of the job, but if that is the case, then equity still needs to be a part of the discussion, because we are a community of Christ first. We are risking all of this because we believe in community, equity and love.

At least that is why I’m doing this church thing.

Maybe we all need to not be installed and start over; even though installation a (I believe) used first to describe pastors wayyy before it was used to describe stoves and video games

However, I think we need to keep working to make things more fair, not less.

I believe in E-1.0301
I am doing my best to live into it. To not accept that “this is the only way” to know that the Kin(g)dom calls us to imagine a better world, and then to live creatively into it.

I will not leave others behind along the way. I will continue to learn about equity, inclusion and love.

I am aware this is not all bad for everyone, however I still feel like there are better ways to do all of this. See also: Who is communicating all of these changes and bearing the brunt of this work in the church community (that feels like a whole different article).

PS the menu option is great, and progress and I like it.

By Pastor Katy Stenta “KatyandtheWord”

Dues Package published by the BOP is here

TDOV, Resurrection

Jesus I can’t see you
I don’t know
I’m in mourning

And Jesus scooped us under her wings
And let us touch the wounds—know what it’s like to have to leave parts, family and self behind on offer to resurrect in visible and invisible ways

And God whispered once again that we are fiercely and wonderfully made

Until we could find ourselves again
Blessed Trans Visibility Day
May you be you full self
And find places of sanctuary and belovedness in your life

*and for all those who say screw it
You can’t see me
It is not time
Or it’s not about Jesus

Because its your day to do it your way
And it is beautiful to be seen
And be called by your chosen name
In the right context

Good Friday

The tears
on my Face
the Broken
reminding me
Of all I missing

I ache, remembering

the Soup I ate from it
at a Homeless-Dinner-Slash-

As I touch the pieces
I can almost smell
the countless
Ashes I burned
Ash Weds
Write Everything
You want to give to God
On a Piece of Paper
And I will Burn it for you

The Holy Spririt
will Somehow
transpose it
To the ashes
We will write
in a shape of a Cross
on your forehead

Shattered Butterflies
Silent Call
Is as Close to a Good Friday Service
I will get today

I pray as I put the pieces in the trash
Remember Me
When you Come
Into Your Kingdom

Feel free to use/share/adapt with credit to Pastor Katy Stenta “KatyandtheWord”