Jonah and God’s Mercy

Jonah 1:1-7; 3:1-10 [4:1-11]
Luke 18:13 Opt Psalm 88:3-7, 13

10am Drive in Worship Nov 1st


Call to Worship

Lord God, when I am in the Pit, You are there 

I will come with the voice of Thanksgivingi

When I cry out to you, you hear.

In the morning, my prayer comes before your.

The steadfast love of the Lord never changes, God’s mercies never come to an end

Deliverance is the Lord’s,  Let us praise God together!

Praise Ye the the Lord, The Almighty 482

Praise ye the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!

O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation

All ye who hear, Now to his temple draw near.
Join me in great adoration

Praise ye the Lord, Who o’er all things so wondrously reigneth, 

Shelters thee under His wings, yeah so gently sustaineth!

Hast thou not seen How thy desires e’er have been

Granted in what He ordaineth? 

Praise ye the Lord! O let all that is in me adore Him! 

All that hath life and breath, come not with praises before Him!

Let the Amen, Sound from His people again;
Gladly for aye we adore Him. 

Jonah 1:1-3, 7, 17, 2:1, 10, 17, 4:6-8, 10-11

(1 Finger) Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai, saying, ‘Go at once to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before me.’ 

(2 Fingers) But Jonah set out to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish; 

(3 Fingers) so he paid his fare and went on board, to go with them to Tarshish, away from the presence of the Lord.

(4 Fingers) The sailors* said to one another, ‘Come, let us cast lots, so that we may know on whose account this calamity has come upon us.’ So they cast lots, and the lot fell on Jonah

(5 FingersO But the Lord provided a large fish to swallow up Jonah; and Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights

(6 Fingers) Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the belly of the fish, Then the Lord spoke to the fish, and it spewed Jonah out upon the dry land. 

(Pastor Katy) Jonah went to Ninevah, and all the people repented with fasting and rending of clothes, and God saw and changed God’s mind about punishing them, and Jonah was angry at God’s mercy and said let me die!

(7 Fingers) And the Lord said, ‘Is it right for you to be angry?’ 5Then Jonah went out of the city and sat down east of the city, and made a booth for himself there.

(8 Fingers) The Lord God appointed a bush, and made it come up over Jonah, to give shade over his head, to save him from his discomfort; so Jonah was very happy about the bush.

(9 Fingers) But when dawn came up the next day, God appointed a worm that attacked the bush, so that it withered. 8When the sun rose, God prepared a sultry east wind, and the sun beat down on the head of Jonah so that he was faint and asked that he might die. He said, ‘It is better for me to die than to live.’

(10 Fingers) Then the Lord said, ‘You are concerned about the bush, for which you did not labour and which you did not grow; it came into being in a night and perished in a night. 11And should I not be concerned about Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who do not know their right hand from their left, and also many animals?’

Children’s Sermon

Sermon     “God Among the Sinners”   Pastor Katy Stenta sermon video

Communion: Invitation

The Lord be with you

And also with you

Lift up your hearts

We lift our hearts to the Lord

Let us give thanks to the Lord

It is right to give our thanks and praise ..

Dear God, you are our creator. You keep track of us when we are hot or tired or complaining. You are among us, and give us the shade from the sun, and the whale in the floods. You come to us when we are sad and bitter, you cleanse us and give us rest. You welcome each of us into the communion of saints. Send your Holy Spirit here today, so that we may celebrate this meal with you, Jesus! Help us we pray…

(prayer continues…) as your son taught us to pray. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom and Power and the Glory Forever. Amen.

For All the Saints 526

For all the saints who from their labors rest,

Who Thee by faith before the world confessed,

Thy name, O Jesus,

be forever blest. Alleluia, Alleluia

Thou was their rock, their fortress and their might,

Thous, Lord their captain, in the well fought fight

Thou, in the darkness drear, 

their one true light Alleluia, Alleluia

O blest communion, fellowship divine!

We feebly struggle, they in glory shine;

all are one in Thee, 

for all are Thine, Alleluia, Alleluia

Seeds of Prayer: Extended Advent Resources for Narrative Lectionary: Prayers, Hymns, Children’s Books

Please Share/Adapt with Credit to Katy Stenta and Please contribute to my Doctorate of Ministry with a Donation  I have PayPal Venmo or Google Pay to Katyandtheword at gmail

About Me: My Story & My Writing

God Amongst Us

Nov 22 (Extended Advent Option 2)

God’s Promises a New Covenant

Jeremiah 36:1-8, 21-23, 27-28 then 31:31-34

Luke 22:19-20 Opt. Psalm 89:31-37

Call to Worship (Psalm 89:1-8)

Let the heavens praise your wonder, O Lord

Who among the skies can be compared to the Lord? 

O God of hosts, who is as generous as you? 

Your faithfulness surrounds you

Your love is like a feast 

Come let us praise God, who drips in grace

(Psalm 89: 14-18) Prayer of the Day/Dedication: Lord God, happy are those who know you, let us walk with you and exult your name all day long. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne. Steadfast love and faithfulness go before you. Let us go into the world and use all of our gifts to extol your righteousness in the light of you countenance today, we pray. Amen. 

(Joel 2:13) Call to Confession: Return to the Lord, your God, for God gracious and merciful—slow to anger and abundant in steadfast love.

Prayer of Confession: Lord God, we confess that sometimes we cannot look at all of the disasters and needs of the world. We confess we long for comfort—and that sometimes we compare God to governments or the wealthy. Teach us to have the ears to hear what it is we need to do, and the eyes to see that you have gifted us with enough to do it. Help us to be thankful and share all we have. You are here, God, sharing your very self with us. Teach us, love us and forgive us we pray. 

(Psalm 89: 20-22) Assurance of Pardon: Hear the good news: we belong to God, we have been baptized and anointed, God promises that God’s very hand hand shall always remain with us. Know the truth, that God is among us: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

(Luke 22:19-20) Communion Prayer: Lord God, you have poured out your very self to us. First when you made space in your womb to birth the world. Then when you poured Jesus out into the world. Jesus who took bread and broke it and said “this is my body that is given for you, do this in remembrance of me” and in the same way he took the cup and said “this cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.” Then you poured your Holy Spirit onto the world, pour that Spirit on whatever elements we have here today, fill them with your love so that we might be nourished for the (Advent) journey we pray. Amen. 

Hymn Options: God is My Rock, Just As I Am, God of Peace to the tune of Silent Night

Children: Stone Soup, The Goblin Chair (room for others)

Nov 29th 

Daniel’s Hope in God

Daniel 6:6-27

Luke 23:1-5 Opt Psalm 91:1-6, 11-13

Call to Worship (Psalm 91: 1-13)

You who live in the shadow of the Bounteous God

We say to God “My refuge and my fortress”

The Holy Spirit will fly up, and wrap you in her pinions

Under her wings, we will find refuge

God will command her angels concerning you, to guard you

We are borne of God, and can depend that she is among us

Prayer of the Day/Dedication: Lord who loves us and calls us each by name. We know that we are your beloved. If we listen we can almost hear the angels proceeding us shouting out to the universe “make way for the beloved of God.” But still we fumble: temptations and trials still exist, imposter syndrome lurks, and our imperfections sometimes shout at us louder than the angels. Open our ears to hear your voice, your voice that is here among us, that calls us by name, and remind us we are beloved children of God, we pray. 

(Joel 2:13) Call to Confession: Return to the Lord, your God, for God gracious and merciful—slow to anger and abundant in steadfast love.

(Psalm 91) Prayer Confession: Lord God we confess that we need protections. Lions and snakes are everywhere: bullying or sneaking power based upon their might or wealth. It is hard to stand up to the powerful. We also confess that we feel the terror, trust is hard to find, and pestilence lurks in diseases we cannot yet control. We confess that we feel afraid. Send your angels, spread your wings, protect us, deliver us, we pray. Help us to know how to withstand all the trials that come our way, we pray. 

Assurance of Pardon: Hear the good news, God says, Those who love me I will deliver; When they call to me I will answer, walking among them, and showing them my salvation. Know the truth: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

Communion Prayer: Christ, how huge is your wingspan! You say the kingdom of heaven is like a tree where everyone can have enough to eat, and come home to roost. Your promise comes on the wings of the dove: first flying across the ocean as you created then earth, then your Holy Spirit flew showing dry land to Noah, then to baptize Jesus your son, and finally like a wild goose dispersed among the disciples. Here we can see your promise once again, as we practice communion together. Be present among us in this celebration we pray. Amen. 

Hymn Options: Here I am Lord, A Mighty Fortress is My God, Eagles Wings, My Hope is Built on Nothing Less, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 

Children: Daniel and the Lion’s Den story, Where the Wild Things Are, The Gruffalo

Dec 6 (Regular Advent)

Joel: God’s Promised Spirit

Joel 2: 12-13, 28-29

Luke 11:13 Opt Psalm 139:1-12

Call to Worship: 

Lord, how vast are your thoughts, O God!

I try to count them—they are more than the grains of sand. 

Lord, the journey is long. 

But I know when I come to the end, I am still with you.

Prayer of the Day/Dedication: Lord, help us to dedicate ourselves to you in such a way that our eyes are opened to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Help us to be Christ to one another, to be the arms and legs of Jesus. Gift us with the prophecies, the dreams and the visions we need to have the energy to go forward into the world we pray. Amen.

(Joel 2:13) Call to Confession: Return to the Lord, your God, for God gracious and merciful—slow to anger and abundant in steadfast love.

(Psalm 139: 1-7) Prayer of Confession: Lord God, I confess that you know me completely. You know when I sit down and when I stand up. You have searched out my path, and are acquainted with all of my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, God, you know it completely. This is why we come to confess to you. For you know the truth, and there is nowhere to flee from your Holy Spirit. When I hide from you God, I confess that I am really hiding from myself. Forgive me Lord, and remind me that nothing I can say or do can separate me from your love I pray.

(Luke 11:13) Assurance of Pardon: Hear the Good News, God is merciful and just, always ready to give grace, how much more will God give the Holy Spirit to those who ask! We have said the word, so it is: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. 

Communion Prayer: Lord God, you have poured out your spirit on all flesh. You have come among us then commandments, then judges, then prophets, and then Jesus: all to tell of your justice and mercy. Then you only son Jesus Christ took bread, and gave thanks and blessed it and broke it, and he did the same with the cup. A reminder that we can always come home to you for supper. A reminder that whenever we want Jesus to be particularly present, we can always invite ourselves to God’s feast. Spill your spirit once again onto these elements once again we pray, so we might taste and see your love and grace together. We pray this in your son’s most Holy Name. Amen. 

Hymns: Spirit, Open My Eyes That I May See, This Little Light of Mine, O Come, O Come Emmanual, God the Weaver to the Tune of Away in a Manger

Children: Runaway Bunny By Margaret Wise Brown or Guess How Much I Love You 

Dec 13

Spirit of the Lord Upon Me

Luke 4:16-21 Opt Psalm 143: 4-10 or Psalm 139: 13-18 (this works next week too)

Call to Worship (Psalm 143: 4-10) 

Lord God, I think of all of your deeds

I meditate on the works of your hands

I stretch out my hands to you

My soul thirsts for you like parched land

Come to the Lord Our God

God is our hope and refuge

Prayer of the Day/Dedication: Lord when I think about all you have done, when I contemplate who you are, then I long for you. I know whenever I spend time with you, my soul is lifted. I long for your teachings, I hunger for your Holy Spirit. Please come and be among us God, for it is your righteousness that brings me out of trouble. Be with us today, we pray. Amen. 

(Joel 2:13) Call to Confession: Return to the Lord, your God, for God gracious and merciful—slow to anger and abundant in steadfast love.

(Psalm 143:1-9) Prayer of Confession: Hear my prayer, O Lord; give ear to my pleas in your faithfulness. I confess that I am flawed, and that I am not perfect. Lord, I feel stuck in the darkness. Please answer me quickly, for my spirit fails. Teach me the way that I should go, I pray, for you lift up my soul. Save me, O Lord, I have fled to you for refuge. 

Assurance of Pardon: God’s love is steadfast, God’s mercy is new every morning. Thus take heart: In Jesus Christ you are forgiven. 

(Isaiah 61:1-2, 10) Communion Prayer: Lord God, you have come to earth to bind up the broken hearted and to proclaim liberty to the captives. For this reason you come in a feast: you continue to party people into your kingdom. You will clothe us aright, in the garments of salvation. And here we get to have a foretaste of the feast. You have us practice communion with one another, and with you, so that the seeds of righteousness and praise will spring up before all of the nations. Teach us to celebrate communion, through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, here and now we pray. Amen. 

Hymns: My Shepherd will Supply My Need, Blessed Assurance, O Come All Ye Faithful

Children: Harold and the Purple Crayon, The Color Kittens

Dec 20

Jesus’s Birth Announce

Luke 1:26-45 [46-56]

Psalm 113 Opt Psalm 139: 13-18

(Psalm 113) Call to Worship:

Praise the Lord, O servants of the Lord!

Praise the name of the Lord

Blessed be the name of the Lord, from this time on and forevermore 

From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!!

Who is like our God? Who raises the poor from the dust and the needy from the ashes?

God raises the forgotten, they will sit with rulers of nations.

God does not forget the barren or orphaned, God will make a home and a family for them!

Let us praise the Lord! 

Prayer of the Day/Dedication: God you are the God of the poor and the forgotten. You stayed with Abraham and Sarah as they lived as immigrants in the desert. You did not forget the Hebrews when they were enslaved in Egypt. You made a family out of Ruth and Naomi, and made them the grandmother’s of Jesus himself. You have remembered you covenant with Abraham, let us rejoice as his descendants, we pray. 

(Joel 2:13) Call to Confession: Return to the Lord, your God, for God gracious and merciful—slow to anger and abundant in steadfast love.

(Luke 1:52-54) Prayer of Confession: Lord, we confess that we do not always magnify you. We forget to fill the hungry with good things. We give trust too much the human power structures and get lost in the glow of the rich and powerful. Remind us to serve you and only you. Empower us to speak for the forgotten, like Mary, and help us to rejoice in your power only, we pray. 

Assurance of Pardon: God even now stoops down on bended knee to hear us speak, and then hug us like the loving Parent God is. This God with us, forgives us: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! 

Communion Prayer: Lord Jesus, you have promised to fill the hungry with good things. We are hungering for you today. We are awaiting Jesus to be among us. Send your Holy Spirit so that we can taste your covenant. Remind us that you have blessed us to be a blessing. Jesus is here, and Jesus is coming. We celebrate both of these truths with communion. Help us to share this communion in a spirit of welcome and hope we pray. Amen

Hymns:Magnify the Lord (the Tune of O Come All Ye Faithful), It Came Upon a Midnight Clear

Children’s Story: The Velveteen Rabbit, God Gave us Christmas, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Charlie Brown Christmas

Dec 24

Birth of Jesus

Luke 2:1-14 [15-20]

Psalm 96

Call to Worship

O Sing to the Lord a new Song

Come we are awaiting the Lord!

Declare God’s glory among the nations!

God’s marvelous works are among all people

Come Christ we are waiting

Prayer of the Day/Dedication: Lord God, we are awaiting for your presence among us. How wonderful is it that we have a God who stoops, taking a bended knee to be a human. Humble in birth, you showed us how to serve God. You came to be with us, and to remind us we are not alone Let us feel your presence we pray, in your most Holy Name. Amen. 

(Joel 2:13) Call to Confession: Return to the Lord, your God, for God gracious and merciful—slow to anger and abundant in steadfast love.

Prayer of Confession: God we confess that we need to practice. Every year we need to practice you being among us, otherwise we forget or are distracted. Otherwise we lose sight of the truth: That you are a God with us, for us and among us. Help us to ascribe to you all the glory, we pray. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon: God so loved the world he gave his only son, as a wee baby so we might all be saved and forgiven. Know the truth: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. 

Communion Prayer: God, as we honor the arrival of your son, Jesus Christ, let us remember that Jesus came down to the world not to condemn it but to save it. Let us remember that God sent his only son, to love and teach us, to eat with us and heal us, to walk with us and to guide us. And as we practice communion, let us remember that Jesus washed his disciples feet, feasted with them, and then served them the bread and cup, saying take and eat every time you do this, you celebrate me until my return. Holy Spirit, help us to celebrate and remember Christ today we pray. Amen. 

Hymns: O Little Town of Bethlehem, Silent Night, Aways in a Manger, Angels We Have Heard on High, Hark the Herald Angels Sing

Children Stories: Christmas in a Barn, Room for a Little One, The Story of Christmas, Christmas in the Manger (The Friendly Beasts Song)

Dec 25

Shepherds’ Visit 

Luke 2:8-20

Psalm 123:1-2

Call to Worship

Glory to God in the highest

And on Earth Peace Among all those whom God favors

For unto us a son is given!

And his name is wonderful counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Glory to God, in the highest. 

Prayer of the Day/Dedication: Lord, let us dedicate ourselves, once again to you. Help us to adopt one another as siblings of Christ, knowing that Jesus came to extol God’s love to us. Let us celebrate the beauty and miracle of Christmas. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.  

(Joel 2:13) Call to Confession: Return to the Lord, your God, for God gracious and merciful—slow to anger and abundant in steadfast love.

Confession: Lord we confess that sometimes the celebration becomes rote. Sometimes we forget to stop and ponder. Sometimes Christmas seems like a huge to do list, instead of a time to spend with you. And here you are, here among us, let take that time to wonder at this truth we pray. Amen. 

Assurance of Pardon: God so loved the world, he translated himself into human form to love us and forgive us. Here the good news: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. 

Communion Prayer: Jesus, you are here. In the manger and the elements, and the Holy Spirit. We confess we do not know how to fully imbibe your presence. So we pray that we can practice taking you in as we experience communion: we pray that it binds us together, that the taste on our tongue tastes like grace, and we pray that you send your Holy Spirit to bless us as we do. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen. 

Hymns: O Little Town of Bethlehem, Silent Night, Aways in a Manger, Angels We Have Heard on High, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, What Child is This

Children Stories: Christmas in a Barn, Room for a Little One, The Story of Christmas, Christmas in the Manger (The Friendly Beasts Song)

Please Share/Adapt with Credit to Katy Stenta and Please contribute to my Doctorate of Ministry with a Donation  I have PayPal Venmo or Google Pay to Katyandtheword at gmail.

I plan to raise $2,000 to offset tuition

Seeds of Prayer: Extended Advent Resource Topical Prayers + Video Links for each week

Please Share/Adapt with Credit to Katy Stenta and Please contribute to my Doctorate of Ministry with a Donation  I have PayPal Venmo or Google Pay to Katyandtheword at gmail

About Me: My Story & My Writing

I plan to raise $2,000 this year to offset tuition.

Nov. 22 God Amongst Us

Promises, promises

God you are the God of all promises,

I know you are there when promises are made and promises are broken. 

Sometimes we humans have to break promises to be safe, and sometimes the only safe thing for us to do is to keep our promises. 

But I also know, God that your promises are different—they are impermeable, your promises don’t change depending on the circumstances, because you know what you have signed up for.  

You are the eternal parent, the constant companion, the devoted friend. You do not check out when things are hard, nor do you ever give up on me…even when I give up on me.

Lord, you know that’s what I need a God who won’t give up on me. That’s why you are this way. You are exactly the God we humans need.

Thank you for never giving up. And for accepting me the moments I give up.

Thank you for renewing your promises to us: in every rainbow, in every star, in every grain of sand, in every baptism and in every communion. 

Remind me that there are so many ways to access your promises. 

And help me to think not of all my broken promises, but instead to rely upon your kept promises and covenants, I pray. 


Nov 29th Daniel’s Hope in God

Lions, and Tigers and Bears

Lord, sometimes we are like Dorothy in the woods. Repeating to ourselves all the dangers that are along the way.

Lions, and Tigers and Bears, Oh my. 

When we repeat the things that endanger us: illnesses, natural disasters and loneliness. 

Whatever they may be, please turn them into a prayer for help. 

Send your angels to comfort and defend. 

Help us to bravely face the dangers that are in front of us, like Daniel.

Shut the jaws of any and all who threaten us: dear God, we pray, because evil likes to slither like a snake and tell lies, and they roar their powerful roars to threaten us. 

Remind us that your angels are mighty balls of fire, with a zillion eyes and a million wings, and that they are so scary that even the bravest are told to “fear not” when we see them. 

Send your angels upon us we pray in your most Holy Name. Amen. 

Dec 6th 

Joel: God’s Promised Spirit

Poured Out

Lord God, you know that sometimes I feel completely poured out. 

I have given all I can, and I am “all out of nice.” 

I have trouble motivating myself to do more, and I feel empty, or lonely, or done. 

Is this what happens when you pour yours spirit onto the world? 

When the Holy Spirit comes and sparks visions and dreams, do you feel an emptiness?

It is a wonder how you continually make room for us! Guiding us carefully but never taking over us! 

You are not a clockmaker or video game God who simply sets everything up and leaves the room or grabs the controller turning us into God zombies. 

Instead your lead and you coax. You love and are patient. And when we have trouble hearing, seeing or feeling you—you empty yourself out to us. 

You embody our communion, so that we might taste and see you.

You splash into baptism, sealing your love for us in every droplet of water.

Thank you for pouring yourself out for us. Glory be to your Name. Amen. 

Dec 13

Paging the Holy Spirit 

Spirit of the Living God, 

Kneel, fly, Stoop, Nosedive, or even Fall on me. 

I know this is not a new prayer. But I need your Holy Spirit to come. 

I’m hungering for your Spirit, 

Bind the Broken hearted

Proclaim Liberty

Comfort Those who Mourn

Plant Oaks

Raise up the Devastated

Repair the Ruins.

Come as a dove, a duck or an angry goose. 

Do what you do Holy Spirit! And help me to do it too!

Spirit of the Lord, Come upon me! I pray. 

Dec 20th 

Justice Promised

God of Eternity: 

Whispering the promise of Justice to Mary

Telling the truth about just how unimportant powers and principalities are

Promising Mary, that justice will not be delayed

Filling the hungry with Good Things

Only you God, promise to fill the hungry with Good things

This is your promise to a mother who will have to somehow feed her baby

This is your promise to Cousin Elizabeth, who will be bearing Jesus’ forerunner, 

and perhaps best friend cousin, John the Baptist.

You bring your promises to life in Jesus Christ,

help us to magnify them, I pray. 


Dec. 24th

Christmas is Coming

Somehow God  in the midst of the to do lists, the worries and the imperfections. 

Christmas is going to come. 

The baby that has been promised,

will like a miracle, appear. 

A miracle born of long journeys, hard conversations and heart wrenching changes 

in both Mary and Joseph’s lives. 

Gabriel was just the beginning, 

of tumult, and angels, and ministry. 

But it was also the beginning of 

Glory to God in the highest. It was also the beginning of 

peace on earth and goodwill to all humankind. 

Are we ready for the Good news? 

Help us to be ready for the Good News of Christmas, 

this is our prayer.


Dec 25th

Christmas Prayer

Wonderful, awe-inspiring, scary but hopeful counselor of Truth

Mighty, powerful abundant and fully Fleshed God

Everlasting, Eternal and Faithful Parent, 

You are the forebearer, heir and conveyor of Peace. 

Whisper in our hearts.

Gift us with contemplation

Encourage us to embrace the mystery

Allow us to admit we do not understand. 

And teach us the true meaning of Christmas. 

Lord hear our prayer. 


Please Share/Adapt with Credit to Katy Stenta and Please contribute to my Doctorate of Ministry with a Donation  I have PayPal Venmo or Google Pay to Katyandtheword at gmail

About Me: My Story & My Writing

I plan to raise $2,000 to offset Tuition

Bulletin: Golden Calf by Pastor Katy Stenta

Golden Calf
Exodus 32:1-14
Luke 23:34 Opt Psalm 97:6-9

Call to Worship

God you are more precious than Gold, more powerful than Kings

Help us to worship you

You remember us, even when we forget you

Let us remember and worship you today. 

Hymn: Amazing Grace  Sweet the Sound

Prayer of Confession: Lord God, we hate to admit how many idols live in our lives. We long so much for dependability that we mistake money or power or stocks as security. We forget that these things belong to Caesar, help us to render unto Caesar and human institutions that which belong to them and to instead focus on Sabbath, nourishment, servanthood and grace as the means to embody your love. And when we slip and fall, encourage us too to look at the stars and be assured by the covenant promise, that you will always be our God and we will always be your people. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen

Assurance of Pardon: God promised us grace over and over: to Abraham and Sarai, to Moses, Tzipporah and Miriam, to the grumbling Hebrews in the desert. It is in this assurance of your promise that we know, through Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Amen.

Exodus 32:1-14

(1 finger) When the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people gathered around Aaron and said to him, ‘Come, make gods for us, who shall go before us; as for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.’ 

(2 Fingers) Aaron said to them, ‘Take off the gold rings that are on the ears of your wives, your sons, and your daughters, and bring them to me.’ 

(3 Fingers) So all the people took off the gold rings from their ears, and brought them to Aaron. He took the gold from them, formed it in a mold,* and cast an image of a calf; and they said, ‘These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt!’ 

(4 fingers) When Aaron saw this, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made proclamation and said, ‘Tomorrow shall be a festival to the Lord.’ 

(5 fingers)They rose early the next day, and offered burnt-offerings and brought sacrifices of well-being; and the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to revel.

(6 fingers) The Lord said to Moses, ‘Go down at once! Your people, whom you brought up out of the land of Egypt, have acted perversely; they have been quick to turn aside from the way that I commanded them; they have cast for themselves an image of a calf, and have worshipped it and sacrificed to it, and said, “These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt!” ’ 

(Pastor Katy) The Lord said to Moses, ‘I have seen this people, how stiff-necked they are. Now let me alone, so that my wrath may burn hot against them and I may consume them; and of you I will make a great nation.’

(7 fingers) But Moses implored the Lord his God, and said, ‘O Lord, why does your wrath burn hot against your people, whom you brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand? 

(8 fingers) Why should the Egyptians say, “It was with evil intent that he brought them out to kill them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth”? Turn from your fierce wrath; change your mind and do not bring disaster on your people. 

(9 fingers) Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, your servants, how you swore to them by your own self, saying to them, “I will multiply your descendants like the stars of heaven, and all this land that I have promised I will give to your descendants, and they shall inherit it for ever.” ’ 

(10 fingers) And the Lord changed his mind about the disaster that he planned to bring on his people.

Children’s Sermon

Sermon               “God For Us”             Pastor Katy Stenta

Communion: Invitation

The Lord be with you

And also with you

Lift up your hearts

We lift our hearts to the Lord

Let us give thanks to the Lord

It is right to give our thanks and praise!

Communion Invitation: God is forever inviting us to come, come and taste and see the Lord. And so it is on behalf of not the church or even PCSUSA, but on behalf of Christ that I am able to say, come all those who are hungry for I will give you nourishment. Come all you who are weary, for I will give you rest. Come let us feast with Jesus.

Communion Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit we are asking you to come and be present in the elements that we have here, make your presence known, we pray. For at times, we know that we are lost in the desert, grasping at straws and idols to give us what we need. When often, when we are lost and lonely and worried you invite us to stop, rest and eat. Let us take this moment to sit with the Holy Spirit and with each other, becoming one through communion we pray…and we continue our prayer

(prayer continues…) as your son taught us to pray. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom and Power and the Glory Forever. Amen.

Hymn: the Day of Resurrection

Passing of the Peace

Prayer can be used/adapted with credit to Pastor Katy Stenta

More Narrative Lectionary Resources

Bulletin 2: Passover by Pastor Katy Stenta

The Promise of Passover: Sermon & Bulletin 1 by Rev. Dr Barbara Hedges-Goettl, Bulletin 2 by Pastor Katy Stenta, Passover Prayer
Exodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8
Luke 22: 14-20 Opt Psalm 105: 31-36


Call to Worship

God called Abraham out of his homeland, and the Hebrews out of Egypt

Come Let us worship the Lord

God continues to call us out of where we are to who we should be

Come let us worship the Lord

All Creatures of Our God and Kings 455

All creatures of our God and King, Lift up your vote and with us sing; Alleluia! Alleluia!Thou burning sun with golden beam, Thou silver moon with softer gleam

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia

Thou rushing wind that art so strong, Ye clouds that sail in heaven along; O sing ye Alleluia Thou rising morn, in praise rejoice, Ye lights of evening find a voice!

Thou flowing water, pure and clearMake music for thy Lord to hear; Alleluia! Alleluia! Thou fire so masterful and bright, That gives us both warms and light

Thou fertile earth, that day by day, Unfoldest blessings on your way; O sing ye! Alleluia! The flowers and fruits that in thee grow, Let them God’s glory also show! 

Exodus 12:11b-13:8

(1 finger) It is the passover of the Lord. For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike down every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both human beings and animals; on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgements:

(2 fingers)  I am the Lord. The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live: when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague shall destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. 

(3 fingers) The Lord said to Moses: Consecrate to me all the firstborn; whatever is the first to open the womb among the Israelites, of human beings and animals, is mine. 

(4 fingers) Moses said to the people, ‘Remember this day on which you came out of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, because the Lord brought you out from there by strength of hand; no leavened bread shall be eaten.

(Pastor Katy) Today, in the month of Abib, you are going out. When the Lord brings you into the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, which he swore to your ancestors to give you, a land flowing with milk and honey, you shall keep this observance in this month. 

(5 fingers) For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day there shall be a festival to the Lord. 

(6 fingers) Unleavened bread shall be eaten for seven days; no leavened bread shall be seen in your possession, and no leaven shall be seen among you in all your territory. 

(7 fingers) You shall tell your child on that day, “It is because of what the Lord did for me when I came out of Egypt.” 

Children’s Sermon

Sermon                         God with the enslaved Pastor Katy Stenta

Live into Hope 332

Live into hope of captives freed, Of sight regained, the end of greed

The oppressed shall be the first to see, the year of God’s own jubilee

Live into hope the blind shall see, With insight and with clarity, 

Removing shades of pride and fear—A vision of our God brought near.

Live into hope of liberty, The right to speak, the right to be

The right to have one’s daily bread, To hear God’s word and thus be fed.

Live into hope of captives freed, From chains of fear or want or greed.

God now proclaims our full release, To faith and hope and joy and peace. 

Prayer of Confession: Lord God we confess that we are not where we should be right now. We get distracted by idols, we forget that God promises to free all of God’s children. We proclaim our liberty, and forget that you also commanded us to love one another, and gave us instructions how to save one another.  Help us to love and work to save one another, we pray.  Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom and Power and the Glory Forever. Amen.

Passing of the Peace

More Narrative Lectionary Resources

Bulletin: The Promise of Passover

The Promise of Passover: Sermon & Prayer
Exodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8
Luke 22: 14-20 Opt Psalm 105: 31-36

Sermon by Rev Dr. Barb Hedges-Goettl

More Narrative Lectionary Resources

Prelude Song of Freedom             Bing Crosby from Holiday Inn

Opening Prayer                        Rev. Dr. Barb Hedges-Goettl 


God, just as You rescued the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt, setting them free to worship and serve You, so You have also rescued us, setting us free from slavery to sin and selfishness, and inviting us into relationship with You and one another,and so we praise and thank you. Amen. (1)

Call to Worship

When you set us free, O God, we are free indeed.

O God, we rejoice in your freedom.

A freedom which transforms us and the world around us.

O God, we rejoice in your freedom.

A freedom that invites us to intimacy with you.

O God, we rejoice in your freedom.

A freedom that demands action.

O God, we rejoice in your freedom.

A freedom that makes us different—like in Christ instead of the world.

O God, we rejoice in your freedom.

A freedom that invites us out of the norm and into the extraordinary.

O God, we rejoice in your freedom. (2)

Hymn: The Day of Resurrection 

Call to Confession                                Rev. Dr. Barb Hedges-Goettl

We recognize our responsibility not only for our immediate family and our own people, but for all humankind. As long as nation lines up against nation and class lines up against class, as long as oppression and injustice weigh down the lives of our fellow human beings, as long as there is poverty, disease, ignorance, crime and war, our conscience cannot be at ease. (3)

Gloria Patri: (Blue #579) Glory Be to the Father

Hymn of Dedication  Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

* Doxology (Blue, #592)   Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow

* Prayer of Dedication  

O God, by this offering we remember the lamb without blemish offered at the first Passover–and on the cross. Join our offerings and our selves to the gifts of your people and the self-offering of Jesus himself. (4)

Charge & Benediction

(1) Adapted from a prayer by Christine Longhurst from

(2) Adapted from Reformation Worship, copyright Lisa Frenz. Posted on Lisa’s Liturgies. 

(3) Adapted from an English version of a Hebrew prayer of confession found at

(4) Adapted from a prayer by

More Narrative Lectionary Resources

Bulletin 2 by Pastor Katy Stenta

Drive in Worship September 20th 2020
Call to Worship
Give thanks to the Lord and Call on the name of God
Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord Rejoice

Spirit 319
Spirit, Spirit of gentleness,
Blow through the wilderness, calling and free
Spirit, Spirit of restlessness, Stir me from placidness,
Wind, Wind on the sea

  1. You move the waters,You called to the deep
    Then You coaxed up the mountains
    From the valleys of sleep And over the eons
    You called to each thing, Awake from your slumbers
    And rise on your wings
  2. You swept through the desert, You stung with the sand
    And You gifted your people, With a law and a land
    And when they were blinded with their idols and lies,
    Then You spoke through Your prophets
    To open their eyes
  3. You call from tomorrow, You break ancient schemes,
    From the bondage of sorrow. The captives dream dreams
    Our women see visions, Our men clear their eyes.
    With bold new decisions, Your people arise.

Genesis 37:20-28, 50:15-21
(1 finger)’Here comes this dreamer. 20Come now, let us kill him and throw him into one of the pits; then we shall say that a wild animal has devoured him, and we shall see what will become of his dreams.’
(2 fingers)’but when Reuben heard it, he delivered him out of their hands, saying, ‘Let us not take his life.’
(3 fingers) Reuben said to them, ‘Shed no blood; throw him into this pit here in the wilderness, but lay no hand on him’—that he might rescue him out of their hand and restore him to his father.
(4 fingers) Then Judah said to his brothers, ‘What profit is there if we kill our brother and conceal his blood? 27Come, let us sell him to the Ishmaelites, and not lay our hands on him, for he is our brother, our own flesh. And his brothers agreed.
(5 fingers) When some Midianite traders passed by, they drew Joseph up, lifting him out of the pit, and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver. And they took Joseph to Egypt.
(Pastor Katy) Joseph was enslaved, abused by his owner’s wife and eventually imprisoned. There he told the prisoners who would be punished and set free according to their dreams. Eventually the Pharaoh heard and freed him, listening to the dreams of Pharaoh Joseph foretold a drought, so that only Egypt was ready for it. For this reason, Joseph’s brothers journeyed to Egypt for food.
(6 fingers) Realizing that their father was dead, Joseph’s brothers said, ‘What if Joseph still bears a grudge against us and pays us back in full for all the wrong that we did to him?’
(7 fingers) So they approached* Joseph, saying, ‘Your father gave this instruction before he died, 17“Say to Joseph: I beg you, forgive the crime of your brothers and the wrong they did in harming you.” Now therefore please forgive the crime of the servants of the God of your father.’
(8 fingers) Joseph wept when they spoke to him.
(9 fingers) Then his brothers also wept,* fell down before him, and said, ‘We are here as your slaves.’
(10 fingers) But Joseph said to them, ‘Do not be afraid! Am I in the place of God? 20Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good, in order to preserve a numerous people, as he is doing today. 21So have no fear; I myself will provide for you and your little ones.’ In this way he reassured them, speaking kindly to them.

Children’s Sermon

Sermon “God with All of Us” Pastor Katy Stenta

God, only you would bring a feuding family together and find a way to bless and reunite them. As we live with suspicion and in a divided nation, we pray that you teach us how to be gracious and forgiving. We pray that we don’t refuse to help one another out of prejudices or hate, and we pray that you order all things for good. We pray this using the prayer your son taught us. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom and Power and the Glory Forever. Amen.

O God of Every Nation 289

  1. O God of every nation, of every race and land
    Redeem the whole the creation with Your almighty hand
    Where hate and fear divide us And bitter threats are hurled
    In love and mercy guide us And heal our strife torn world
  2. From search for wealth and power and scorn of truth and right
    From trust in bombs that shower destruction through the night
    From pride of race and station and blindness to Your way
    Deliver every nation, Eternal God we pray.
  3. Keep bright in us the the vision of days when war shall cease
    When hatred and division, Give way to love and peace
    Till dawns the morning glorious When peace on earth shall reign
    And Christ shall rule victorious O’er all the world’s domain

Bulletin 1 by Rev. Dr Barb Hedges-Goettl, God of the Rainbow Coat Prayer, More Narrative Lectionary Resources

God’s Promise to Abraham

God With Us

More Narrative Lectionary Resources

God’s Promise to Abraham Bulletin and Sermon & Consider Prayer
Genesis 15:1-6 alt Gen 17: 1-8
Luke 3:8 Opt. Psalm 8

Sermon by Rev. Stephen Cook: please attribute

Consider Prayer

Prelude Be Not Afraid John Michael Talbot

Opening Prayer
God of our forebears, as your chosen servant Abraham was given faith to obey your call and go out into the unknown, so may your church be granted such faith that we may follow you with courage for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, on God, forever and ever.  Amen.

(Book of Common Worship, Westminster John Knox Press, 1993. pg. 245.)

Call to Worship
In days of old God called Abraham and Sarah:
Come—I am with you; step out in faith.
God speaks still, claiming people of every land and race:
Come—I will bless you, that you may bless others.
In the dark of night, Jesus confirms God’s gift of abiding love.
Come—I will bless you with eternal life.
Heirs of the covenant, let us continue the journey:
Come—let us worship the Lord!

(Rev. Barb Hedges-Goettl)

PC(USA) Online Hymnal worship suggestions for March 8, 2020.

Opening Hymn The God of Abraham Praise
The God of Abraham praise, who reigns enthroned above,the Ancient of Eternal Days, the God of love!The Lord, the great I am, by earth and heaven confessed,we bow before your holy name, forever blest.

Your spirit still flows free, high surging where it will.In prophet’s word you spoke of old and you speak still.Established is your law, and changeless it shall stand,deep writ upon the human heart by your strong hand.

Your goodly land we seek, with peace and plenty blest,a land of sacred liberty and Sabbath rest.There milk and honey flow, and oil and wine abound,and trees of life forever grow with mercy crowned.

You have eternal life implanted in the soul;your love shall be our strength and stay, while ages roll.We praise you, living God! We praise your holy name:the first, the last, beyond all thought, and still the same!

Prayer of Confession and Assurance of Pardon
Call to Confession
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, God who is faithful and just will forgive our sins and cleanses us from all unrighteousness. In humility and faith let us confess our sins before God and one another.

Prayer of Confession
Holy and merciful God, in your presence we confess our sinfulness, our shortcomings, and our offenses against you. You alone know how often we have sinned in wandering from your ways, in wasting your gifts, in forgetting your love.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we are ashamed and sorry for all we have done to displease you. Forgive our sins, and help us to live in your light, and walk in your ways, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Savior.
(Time of silence for personal confession.)

Assurance of Forgiveness
Hear the good news! Who is in a position to condemn?
Only Christ! And Christ died for us, Christ rose for us, Christ reigns in power for us, Christ prays for us. Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. The old life has gone, a new life has begun. Know that you are forgiven and be at peace. In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God!

(Book of Common Worship, pages 52-56. Reprinted by permission from Book of Common Worship, © 1993 Westminster/John Knox Press.)

Gloria Patri: (Blue #579) Glory Be to the Father

Prayers of the People/Lord’s Prayer (traditional)

Celebration of Birthdays and Anniversaries
Doxology (Blue, #592) Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow

  • Prayer of Dedication Please place gifts in the plate on your way out.

In a world of give and take, in a culture of mend and break,
give us minds, hearts, hands, and wallets for sacrificial care,
to satisfy hunger and thirst everywhere. These and all prayers we offer,
in the name of Love himself, Jesus the Christ.

(Todd Jenkins, Happy To Be a Presbyterian PC(USA)

Hymn of Invocation: Spirit of the Living God5
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me (repeat)
Melt me, mold me, Fill me, use me.

Prayer for Illumination
God of mercy, you promised never to break your covenant with us Amid all the changing words of our generation, speak your eternal Word that does not change. Then may we respond to your gracious promises with faithful and obedient lives; through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Old Testament Scripture Genesis 12: 1-4a
Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. 2 I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” 4 So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him.
Psalm: 1216
I lift up my eyes to the hills; from where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
The Lord will not let your foot be moved; nor will the one who watches over you fall asleep.
Behold, the keeper of Israel will neither slumber nor sleep,
the Lord watches over you; the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord will preserve you from all evil; and will keep your life.
The Lord will watch your going out and your coming in from this time forth forevermore.

Old Testament Scripture Romans 4: Selected Verses6
What then are we to say was gained by Abraham, our ancestor according to the flesh? 2 For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. 3 For what does the scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.” 4 Now to one who works, wages are not reckoned as a gift but as something due. 5 But to one who without works trusts him who justifies the ungodly, such faith is reckoned as righteousness.
13 For the promise that he would inherit the world did not come to Abraham or to his descendants through the law but through the righteousness of faith. 14 If it is the adherents of the law who are to be the heirs, faith is null and the promise is void. 15 For the law brings wrath; but where there is no law, neither is there violation.
16 For this reason it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his descendants, not only to the adherents of the law but also to those who share the faith of Abraham (for he is the father of all of us, 17 as it is written, “I have made you the father of many nations”)—in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist. 18 Hoping against hope, he believed that he would become “the father of many nations,” according to what was said, “So numerous shall your descendants be.”
20 No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, 21 being fully convinced that God was able to do what had been promised. 22 Therefore his faith “was reckoned to him as righteousness.” 23 Now the words, “it was reckoned to him,” were written not for his sake alone, 24 but for ours also. It will be reckoned to us who believe in the One who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead, 25 who was handed over to death for our trespasses and was raised for our justification.
Message Rev. Elizabeth Wagner

Affirmation of Faith from the Brief Statement of Faith, 1983

In life and at death we belong to God. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve.

(Book of Common Worship, page 91. Reprinted by permission from Book of Common Worship, © 1993 Westminster/John Knox Press.)

Closing Hymn Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Come, thou Fount of every blessing; tune my heart to sing thy grace;streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise.Teach me some melodious sonnet, sung by flaming tongues above;praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it, mount of God’s unchanging love!
Here I raise my Ebenezer; hither by thy help I’m come;and I hope, by thy good pleasure, safely to arrive at home.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love;here’s my heart; O take and seal it; seal it for thy courts above.
Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God;he, to rescue me from danger, interposed his precious blood.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love;here’s my heart; O take and seal it; seal it for thy courts above.
O to grace how great a debtor daily I’m constrained to be!Let that grace now, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee.Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love;here’s my heart; O take and seal it; seal it for thy courts above.
Charge and Benediction

Postlude Be Not Afraid The Orchard Enterprises

More Narrative Lectionary Resources

Narrative Lectionary Seeds of Prayer: Church at Corinth

Church at Corinth

Acts 18:1-4

1 Cor. 1:10-18

(Mark 9:34-35)

Lectionary Resources & Prayers by Dr. Barb Hedges-Goettl

Call to Worship

To whom do you belong? Are you an American? A Democrate? a Republican? An Independent?

I belong to Christ

Can Christ be divided?

No, we are the body of Christ. 

Call to Worship

Look who has gathered here today?

It is us, the hands and feet of Christ

It is so good you are here, we have need of each and every one of you!

Come let us worship the Lord together!

Prayer of Confession: God, too often we forget who formed us, and blessed us and sent us into the world. We think we are made of our own bootstraps, or that our merits are based on our worthiness. Bless us as children of God, we pray. Amen.

Prayer of Confession: Lord, I confess that I am desperate to belong, to fit in, to be a part of it all. And it is hard to know that I fall short, it is hard acknowledge that I can disclose others, who also want to belong. Teach me how we all belong to you I pray. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon: God’s love always leaves the light on for us, come home and know the truth: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

Prayer of the Day: Lord, remind us that we can find home and love in you. Especially when it’s hard to face the world. Be our soft place to land, we pray. Amen.

Communion Prayer: Lord, like a mother you nourish us. Giving Adam and Eve the Garden of Eden and all that dwelled therein. Then when we were wandering in the desert with Moses, you fed us manna. Again, when the temple was destroyed, you fed us hope. Feed us today, again, today in any way we need. Bless this food and cup with the Holy Spirit so it can be the food of Jesus Christ, communion and love. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, your firstborn child, who adopted each of us as family. May we celebrate all of our meals with our brother Jesus we pray. Amen.

Body of Christ Litany

Mother’s Day Confession Prayer

Mother’s Day Litany Prayer (in light of the pandemic)

Virtual Communion Resources

Pandemic Resources

Eastertide Narrative Lectionary Resources



Church at Thessalonica Narrative Lectionary Seeds of Prayer Resource



The-beginning-is-near-advent-2013-300x168 (1)

Acts 17:1-9

1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Mark 13:9-11

With Ref to Amos 5:24

Bulletin & Resources by Rev. Dr. Barbara Hedges-Goettl

Call to WorshipTo whom do you belong?

To Jesus Christ

Who will we imitate then?

Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. 

Call to Worship:

I thank God for each and every one of you!

Let us mention one another in our prayers.

Remember friends, Jesus has chosen you.

Come let us do our work of faith and labor of love, praising God all the while.

Prayer of Confession: Lord, we confess we do not like it when the entire world is turned upside-down. I am only human and like consistency and predictability. I do not do well with disruption and change. But, you sent us the living Christ to create justice. Therefore as the world is turned upside-down, let every lowly person be exalted and everyone in power be lowered. Help us to make justice roll down like waters and righteousness an ever-flowing stream, we pray. Amen

Prayer of Confession: Lord, we confess that we didn’t expect our sacrifices to look like this. We didn’t expect to lose people to a pandemic, to have to seclude ourselves from our communities, to have to give up the luxuries and even the coping mechanisms that make our lives work. Help us to persevere through the gifts and strength of the Holy Spirit, especially when we feel overwhelmed, we pray. Amen

Prayer of Dedication/the Day: Lord we pray that our work be the work of faith, that our labors are filled with love, and that we are filled with the steadfastness of hope of the Lord Jesus Christ today and everyday. Amen.

Communion Prayer (Also see Virtual Communion Resources): Lord as we stand isolated in this space. Grant us communion with one another and you, we pray. Remind us that you stand in relationship with us, forever drawing us together whenever and however with gather in your name. Send your Holy Spirit onto the elements we have here, the common food of our kitchens and pantries, so that it is imbued with your essence and love. Teach us how to practice communion in our present state we pray. Amen.