
As my Graduation approaches on May 31st 2024, I wanted to thank you again for your support. Your generosity has not only allowed me to study, explore my theology and write my thesis “Let’s Yell at God” but also to write a number of Sermon Series, contextual Psalms and Prayers and Liturgies for people to reflect on, pray and share. It is my hope someday to publish if the way be clear (a phrase that means if the right pieces somehow come together and God helps along the way). However, I am aware that this was truly a community effort. The donations to my work have numbered over 300. The views of my work has been 100 a day and 30,000 a year. This is not the degree of just one person—but truly the work of Public Theology, as it will say in May. 

I often think about how this theology is one in the legacy of Mr. Rogers, who’s alma mater I am attending. This is supposed to be about putting theology in the public sphere in new ways. Sometimes prayer writing seems ordinary and pedestrian, and others, it feels like the tool that needs to to spark what needs to happen, the way to give permission for people to wrestle with those things in their lives that just seem to be impossible. 

As someone who is always talking—it’s just that sometimes that dialogue happens to be out loud, prayer has been a lovely outlet for me to continue process what it means to be 

This thing we call


Thank you for being part of the journey 

And helping me to fund a degree that would not have happened without the community.


Almost May…

It is so close to my graduation date
I have written so many prayers and poems
40 for my disseration
80+ pages
a number of updates
Attending countless beautiful classes
Met 34 heartfilled colleagues

and it is all possible because of the support of my readers
and I am so thankful

now I am abut $700 away from being fully funded
Every gift from $5, $10, $25 to $100 has helped me to get there

If you are able to give towards my graduation so I cross the finish line
I would be grateful
If you can’t give, please send your good wishes and support
I have hopes that I can publish and continue to write

Venmo @Katy-Stenta (last four 7841), Paypal @KatyStenta, Google Pay Katyandtheword at, Cash App $bookkats 

Email KatyandtheWord at Gmail for Mailing Address to Send a Check or to request a Receipt

Thank you

Sermon Series

Sermon Series on Rest is Resistance is Fully Structured and Complete The plan is there along with the liturgy andnotes, you write the sermon

I am in the midst of my final residency week for my Doctorate,

Then all I have to do is write a book

Please support my writing here! I do everything by donations!

Books, Books, Poetry, Books

Here it is, the Booklist (Remember this is TWO classes worth) One is Poetry and the other is Experimental Poetry

……so it can be seen as either intimidating or fun
Please peruse and find what you can at your local library! I’m told with ZONG its best to read it before Splay Anthem and to start with the end, which explains a lot of it!
Maggie Nelson, Bluets 
Sam Stephenson, Gene Smith’s Sink 
Aisha Sabatini Sloan, Borealis 
Nicole Rudick, What Is Now Known Was Only Once Imagined 
Terrance Hayes, To Float in the Space Between 
Aracelis Girmay, The Black Maria 
John Edgar Wideman, Writing to Save a Life 
Chris Kraus, After Kathy Acker 
Heather Christle, The Crying Book 
Muriel Rukeyser, The Book of the Dead 
Eileen Myles, Afterglow
M. NourbeSe Philip, Zong! (Wesleyan Poetry Series) by 
Nathaniel Mackey, Splay Anthem 

About 1/3rd I could acquire from the library (not bad) only one was an expensive new release and it was half off (whew originally $60). I, of course, bought a bunch used. So the total was $113.80. I admit I was like wow that’s a lot; ok not really for two classes of books. So if I could grab another $120 of fundraising that would be amazing.

Creative Writing & Giving Tuesday

Hey Friends!

I am trying to get donors for my next year of Doctoral work in Creative Writing! This is a working theologian’s degree at Pittsburgh Seminary where I continue to work 32+ hrs a week (less in the summer) and try to put my degree to immediate use!

The way we are funding is 1/3rd from my family, 1/3rd from continuing Ed funds, and 1/3rd fundraised. As you know I offer prayers, liturgies and more all for free here at WordPress. My next class is in January in Fantasy and Christianity which is my area of specialty and I can’t wait! We are centering on C S Lewis and comparing him to other authors.

I’ve had 107 views today (Giving Tues Nov 30 2021) on If everyone gave $25 today I’d be done I have 3000 views a month which means if everyone gives – couple of bucks say $2-$5 over the next month I’ll def be done in 2 weeks. Please consider giving what you can. As you can see any amount would help!!

Katy at Katyandtheword

Thanks! For your support and thanks for Praying with me!


I GOT IN to Pittsburgh Seminary’s Doctorate in Ministry in Creative Writing!

I’m so grateful for every single person who has read my writing, and prayed with me or shared my resources!

I am now officially working to gather enough resources for tuition.

I apprecaite any and all help including using and sharing my writing, praying with me, and supporting my tuition costs through my go fund me.

Thank you so much!