
Tricia Hersey the Nap Bishop curated a playlist for us it was a while ago but I just rediscovered it now (when I needed it)

Here’s the article about it.

Rest is Resistance sermon Series is here

More Memes/Notes resources

More things I’m finding along the way (Under Construction, I will add onto this as I find things that strike me)

If you appreciate my work, please support my D. Min in Creative Writing. I am in my final year and raising money here:
I am more than halfway funded! Any amount $10-$200 helps. Receipts available!

The Breath Prayer written by Sheridan Voysey Lord God, Fill me with your Holy Spirit. I receive your love & release my insecurity. I receive your joy& release my unhappiness. I receive your peace & release my anxiety. I receive your patience & release my impulsiveness. I receive your kindness & release my indifference. I receive your goodness & release my ungodliness. I receive your faithfulness & release my disloyalty. I receive you gentleness & receive my severity. I receive your self-control & release my self-control.*

*Some of these breath prayers are very Christian or too severe or ableist. I would be very careful before I gave these to an entire group. However they are good for ideas, and might be ok to be given as a choice with the gentle caveat that they are just ideas and do not fit everyone.

There is no end to what a living world will demand of you –Octavia Butler @BlackLiturgies author is Cole Arthur Riley who also wrote “This Here Flesh” Sermon Series (Which you may recall is a sister series to this one)

Inhale: The demand is too great Exhale: I deserve to stay whole @BlackLiturgies

Inhale: My “no” is sacred. Exhale: I can honor its Sound @BlackLiturgies

Meditate & Reflect: How does your body feel today?What practice brings you renewal? Who in your community is protective of your body and its needs? What dominant fear keeps you from saying “no'”? Explore its origins. What demands are you making of others that you can release?

@joynessthebrave This is your gentle reminder that one time in the Bible Elijah was like “god, I’m so mad! I want to die! so God said “Here’s some food. Why don’t you have a nap?” So Elijah slept, ate, & decided things weren’t so bad. Never understimate the spiritual power of a nap & a snack.
(This is one of my all time favorites)

“May we learn to honor the hammock, the siesta, the nap, and the pause in all its forms.” Alice Walker

Week 7 Notes

“Grind culture is a collaboration between white supremacy and capitalism. It views our divine bodies as machines. Our worth is not connected to how much we produce. We ignore our bodies’ need to rest and in doing so, we lose touch with Spirit. Our bodies are a tool agents for change. A site of liberation. The time to rest is now. Our collective rest will change the world because our rest resides in a Spirit of refusal and disruption. Resist is our protest. Resit is resistance. Rest is reparations.” p. 12

  1. Rest is a form of resistance because it disrupts and pushes back against capitalism and white supremacy. 
  2. Our bodies are a site of liberation
  3. Naps provide a portal to imagine, invent and heal
  4. Our DreamSpace has been stolen and we want it back. We will reclaim it via rest p. 13

Embrace knowing that you have been manipulated and scammed by a violent system as powerful evidence. Now with this knowledge you can grieve, repair, rest, and heal.” p. 17

Grind culture has traumatized us and then begin the lifelong process of healing from this trauma. This work is about more than simply naps and sleep, it is a full unraveling from the grips of our toxic understanding of our self-worth as divine human beings. Grieving in this culture is not done and is seen as a waste of time because grieving is a powerful place of reverence and liberation.” p. 28

“Once we know and remember we are divine, we will no participate and allow anything into our hearts and minds that is not loving and caring. We would treat ourselves and each other like the tender and powerful beings we are.” p. 29 Goodness and Mercy

“When I say sleep helps you wake up—it helps you wake up to the turret of who and what you are. And the system doesn’t want that. It would crumple und the weigh to this power.” p. 29 

“We can bend time when we rest and I’m grateful for the slowness and the embodied work of refusal. The way taking your time and disrupting the dominant culture’s need to rush is liberation. To just be, to just depend what already is and can never be taken from us is the praxis.” p. 32

“I want you to firmly plant yourself inside your imagination Take refuge in the beauty and power of community care and our daydreaming…Rest is a portal. Silence is a pillow. Sabbath our lifeline. Pausing our compass. Get your healing. Push back. Slow down. take a nap.” p. 32

“I want you to firmly plant yourself inside your imagination Take refuge in the beauty and power of community care and our daydreaming…Rest is a portal. Silence is a pillow. Sabbath our lifeline. Pausing our compass. Get your healing. Push back. Slow down. take a nap.” p. 32

“We are resting simply because it is our divine right to do so. That is it! Rest is this proclamation for a moment.” p. 62 Reclamation 

“As a person totally focused on our Spirits, souls, minds and bodies, I am worried about the road the Metaverse will play in an already sleep-deprived and disconnected world. There are too many ways to ignore the deep inner knowing, intuition, and divine wisdom that exists in us from birth already. To exists daily over time in a space of increased virtual experiences will have lasting effect on our ability to push back against capitalism and white supremacy.” p. 70

“My freedom from grind culture is intimately tied up in the healing and liberation of all those around me. Community care and full communal unraveling is the ultimate goal for any justice world, because without this we will be left vulnerable to the lie of toxic individualism.” p. 76

bell hooks all about love “‘mutual giving strengthens community’ Mutual and collective rest disrupts, interrupts, and heals. Our collective resting coordinated with traveling deep within our hearts begins the process of dismantling capitalism, white supremacy, racism, homophobia, ableism, and patriarchy.” p. 78 Rest Interrupts

“True liberation to me is to not be constantly attempting to prove our worth and ticking off to-do lists. To just be”. p. 80

 “You can begin to create a ‘Not-TO-Do List’ as you gain the energy to maintain healthy boundaries. Our opportunity test and re-imagine rest is endless. There is always time to rest when we reimagine.” p. 83

Emile Townes Womanist theologian “Liberation is a process. Freedom is a temporary state of being. Liberation is dynamic. It never ends.” p. 98

“Imagine a life outside of grind culture right now. You can create it because you are more powerful than you believe. We are more powerful than we belie. What liberations can you craft outside your grind culture.” p. 137

“The illusion of living within grind culture offers the myth of control. many of us are on automated, robot machine mode and there is not room here for the magic of mystery and Spirit to move in your life.” p. 140

Do not let your credit score, man-made poverty, and/or racism define your extreme power. Your body is a site of liberation.” p. 148

“You can rest. You can shift. You can heal. You can resist. You can lay down right now. If you are in a safe space that would allow for you to lay down, please do so as you read. If it’s not safe to recline. just slow down your breathing. Visualize your favorite place to slumber and relax. Go there in your mind. May these rest moments multiply as you integrate more into your daily practice.”  p. 148

Ideas to dream into p. 151-152: Safe surfaces to nap, silence as a sound, baths, stretching, detox from social media, experiment with naps, read poetry, meditate, journal

“You don’t have to be always be creating, doing, and contributing to the world. Your birth grants you rest and leisure as well.” p. 152

“Resting is not a state of inactivity or a waste of time. Rest is a generative space. When you are resting your body, it is in its most connected state. Your organs are regenerating. Your brain is processing new information. Your connecting with a spiritual practice. You are honoring your body. You are being present. All these thing are so foundational for liberation and healing to take root.” p. 153

“Your bodies don’t belong to capitalism, to white supremacy, or to the patriarchy. Your body is a divine temple and a place of generative imagination. A place of healing and freedom.” p. 153

“I believe any work that is rooted in wellness and justice and doesn’t include the collective, without a framework about dismantling and decolonizing, is incomplete work” p. 154

“I am forever inspired by bell hooks and Octavia Butler for believing in and teaching us about imagination as a tool of our greatest liberation.” p. 159

Meditation 159 to steal back time

“I believe specifically that my Ancestors, those enslaved on plantations, had their DreamSpace stolen. A theft. The space to just be replaced with racial terror and violent terror.” p. 160

“How would our justice work look different if all involved were not sleep-deprived?” 160

“What transmissions would we receive in our dreams that guide us to our liberation?” p. 160

“There is rest for the weary. For those working two or three jobs and still unable to pay rent consistently. For those parenting, working, and going to school, there is rest available to you. For the body that is unable to labor the long hours grind culture requires, rest is a refuge to you.” p. 161

“I am not overlooking the blatant reality of poverty, low wages, late-stage capitalism, corporations generation billions of dollars while the worker isn’t offered a living wage and all other trickery and abuse that make it feel impossible to thrive.” p. 161

“Rest is an imagination tool because it makes space to simply be. To be a human being is an ancient miracle that we overlook when we work so hard to prove our worth via exhaustion.” p. 161

Discernment Journal

  1. What do I feel called to do?
  2. How can I creat space for me and my community to heal? What needs healing in me?
  3. Can the idea of unplugging and resting for a whole month be reimagined by creating smaller moment daily, weekly?
  4. What does intentional rest and care look like to you? Sketch a map out a visual.
  5. How is your heart?
  6. Who are you being?
  7. What are you Holding?
  8. What story are you telling yourself? What is a more liberating Story you can tell?
  9. How can you create rest in this moment?
  10. Are you ready to change?

p. 163

Go on Social Media rest to create space p. 163-168

“The Nap Ministry is a commitment to an ideal that may seem unattainable. This makes it revolutionary because it creates space to imagine and hope. Both are keys to our liberation. p. 174

“In Afrofuturism, there is a future where all current problems are solved. the future is now.” p. 177 We need to remember to imagine together

“Between growing up in the Black Church, watching what the Spirit can do for and to a person during embodied worship, paired with my obsession with Afrofuturism, it is easy for me to connect the dots to rest as a portal for healing.” p. 181

“I am very comfortable with embodiment and the idea of trusting deeply what is happening behind the scenes. Things essays and ears can’t see and hear.” p. 182

“Rest on a somatic level is a small resurrection. I have always been interested in the concept of community resurrection…A resurrection is a waking up into a new thing. It’s life, insight, breathing, refusing, think and a movement that is alive and made new. Rest is resurrection. A literal raising form the dead. Grind culture is a spiritual death.” p. 182-183

Meditations for rest

  1. I deserve to rest now
  2. I am worthy of rest
  3. I am not lazy. How could I be lazy? My Ancestors are too brilliant for that.
  4. Capitalism wants my body to be a machine. I am not a machine.
  5. I am a magical and divine human being.
  6. I have the right to resist grind culture. 
  7. I do not have to earn rest.
  8. Do less, watch how I thrive.
  9. East is my birthright.
  10. I will rest. 

p. 192-193

Rest is Resistance Week 6

For many of us clergy, overwork may be a sign of PRAGMATIC ATHEISM. We don’t trust God enough to rest, leaving what is undone in God’s care

How do you make space to transcend the confines of a system that prays to the call of ‘profit over people’?” p. 56
1 King 19:4-7
Romans 8:22-26
Grief & Healing

Call to Worship
(Breathe in) I will give space
(Breathe out) I will let go

Prayer of the Day
we have crammed
so much into our lives
we do not leave much
What thousands of stories
are untold, because
we are not rested?
What work is the world
groaning towards
What dreamwork
did Elijah do
under the fig tree?
Let us find more
space for all work
to be done
without us
we pray.

Call to Confession: Let us turn towards God, and open our hearts to pour out any hurt and grief we might have, so that God can wipe away our tears and renew our hope.

Prayer of Confession: God, we confess that we are tightly hanging onto so much–that it is hard to let the Holy Spirit in. We feel like we need the perfect words or actions. We feel like we need to always be co-creating with you to get things right. We are afraid to stop. Afraid of what we will see when we rest. Give us the courage to rest. Tell us it’s ok to stop, remind us that the Holy Spirit will fill in all of the gaps. Grant us the trust we need we pray. (Silent Confession) Amen.

Assurance of Pardon: The Holy Spirit is here, filling our hearts anew, granting us all the mercy we need, so let us assure one another of the Good News: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

Suggested Rest Practices:
Make a Dream Journal
Make a Not To Do List, Rip it up or Burn it
Dismiss everyone to Take a walk/Quiet Sitting time for 10 minutes
Play with Playdo/Clay
Create a Grief Wall/Ribbon Weaving Symbolizing everything to let go of
Have everyone commit to one time they are going to rest that week
Share around the room/small groups/on paper a new rest practice they have started (Fit your needs to the extravert/introvert nature of your reality)
Go Outside and look at the Clouds

If you appreciate my work, please support my D. Min in Creative Writing. I am in my final year and raising money here:


“My uncle says the architects got rid of the front porches because they didn’t look well. But my uncle says they was merely rationalizing it; the real reason, hidden underneath, might be they didn’t want people sitting like that, doing nothing, rocking, talking; that was the wrong kind of social life. People talked too much. And they had time to think. So they ran off with the porches. And the gardens, too. Not many gardens any more to sit around in. And look at the furniture. No rocking chairs any more. They’re too comfortable. Get people up and running around” -Ray Bradbury; Book Farenheit 451

Art a man in a white beard, snooze-like, sitting on a porch. Photograph by Sonny Lee

People miss small talk in the Pandemic (and how that might be feeding into the violence of today):,,, (Google it, there are so MANY articles)

Week 6 Notes

Grief and Healing

“Capitalism was created on plantations. We as a culture class over this historical truth. We must grieve. Grieving is a sacred act and one of the ways we can begin to reconnect with out bodies, as we craft a rest practice.” p. 15

“A mind shift, a slow and constant practice filled with grace” p. 16

We should use every tool we have to constantly repair what grind culture has done to us” p. 16

Embrace knowing that you have been manipulated and scammed by a violent system as powerful evidence. Now with this knowledge you can grieve, repair, rest, and heal.” p. 17

“Resting is ancient, slow and connected work that will take hold of you in ways that may be surprising. Let deprogramming from grind culture surprise you. Let your entire being slowly begin to shift. Get lost in rest. Pull up the blankets, search for softness and be open to the ways rest will surprise and calm you.” p. 17

“We have been trained to believe that everything we accomplish is is because of our own pushing alone. This is false because there is a spiritual dimension that exists in all things and in everything we do. To understand that we are spiritual beings navigating life in a material world opens us to the possibility os rest as a spiritual practice. Our entire living is a spiritual practices. Much of our resistance to rest, sleep and slowing down is an ego problem….We can do nothing alone.” p. 18

“Grind culture has traumatized us and then begin the lifelong process of healing from this trauma. This work is about more than simply naps and sleep, it is a full unraveling from the grips of our toxic understanding of our self-worth as divine human beings. Grieving in this culture is not done and is seen as a waste of time because grieving is a powerful place of reverence and liberation.” p. 28

“A grieving person is a healed person. Can you guess why our culture does not want a healed person in it?” p. 28

“I believe the powers that be don’t want us rested because they know that if we rest enough, we are going to figure out what is really happening and overturn the entire system.” p. 29

Black Ancestors “They straddled the lines between exhaustion and always thriving. They moved mountains with their faith alone and created pathways for invention that I am still uncovering. They resisted every moment by exiting in a world that was not welcoming or caring.” p. 46

“Sunday was not a day of rest for my parents, especially my father. It was a day of working tirelessly for the Lord.” p. 49

“Sunday was not a day of rest for my parents, especially my father. It was a day of working tirelessly for the Lord.” p. 49 (Revenge Waking)

“His love of community and God fueled him endlessly, but the toxic side to this passion was his overworking, exhaustion, and lack of caring for his body.” p. 51

“Grind culture killed my father and is killing us physically and spiritually. Sleep deprivation is a public health issue and racial justice issue.” p. 54

“It is firm evidence that we as a culture don’t have clarity about what rest is and can be.” p. 55

“We are born knowing how to rest and listen to what our bodies need…This inner knowing is slowly stolen form us as we replace it with disconnection. We have been bamboozled and led astray by a culture without a pulse button.” p. 55

“Everything we believe we know about rest is false.” p. 55

World is groaning/birthing (grieving) and systematically trying to give birth to a new one, we need to rest and let it do its thing: Romans

“I know that saving my own life from the exhaustion of racism, poverty, and sexism made space for all, no matter their race, to also begin dismantling process from these systems.” 

“I know that my visualizations of what a world without capitalism and oppression looks like is based on something I have never experienced in this lifetime. IT is dreamworld and alchemy. p. 57

“In postmodern womanist theology, salvation is an activity… A postmodern womanist theory strives for tangible representations of good. The good includes justice, equality, discipleship, quality of life, acceptance and inclusion” Monica Coleman p. 58 

“Yes the system continues raging and destroying, but we will not be able to tap into spaces of freedom, joy , and rest by pushing our precious bodies and minds in abusive ways. To rest is to creatively respond to grind culture’s call to do more. It’s the possibility of rest, reparations, resurrection, and repair that holds us like a warm, soft blanket. “ p. 59

“How do we transform grief to power?” p. 59 grief article

“There is space to just allow rest to settle and answer the questions for us.” p. 60

“We must remain committed to building community and go into the deepest cracks to gather and care for anyone left behind. Trading each other and ourselves and with care isn’t a luxury, but an absolute necessity if we’re going to thrive. Resting isn’t an afterthought, but a basic part of being human.” p. 61

We must make space for rest in small and large ways.” p. 61 Make room for the Holy Spirit–is this what that phrase means? Make room for hope, is this what this means?

CORRECTION “The concept of filling up your cup first so you can have enough in it to put to others feels off balance. It reeks of language that is part of our daily mantra. Language like ‘I will sleep when I am dead,’ “rise and grind,’” and is geared to women p.62 esp. marginalized!!! 

“I propose that the cups all be broken into little pieces” Something about communion here p. 63 

“I don’t want to pour anymore. p 63

Week 5 Notes

Worth and Blessedness

“We have been trained to believe that everything we accomplish is is because of our own pushing alone. This is false because there is a spiritual dimension that exists in all things and in everything we do. To understand that we are spiritual beings navigating life in a material world opens us to the possibility os rest as a spiritual practice. Our entire living is a spiritual practices. Much of our resistance to rest, sleep and slowing down is an ego problem….We can do nothing alone.” p. 18

“Fear is a function of grind culture..” p. 22

“We believe we are only meant to survive and not thrive. We see care as unnecessary and unimportant. We believe we don’t really have to rest. We falsely believe hard work guarantees success in a capitalist system. p. 24

The thought of not doing, even for a short time, is seen as lazy and unproductive. So an explanation for rest as a form of justice is layered and danced.” p. 27

most concise ways: “Rest makes us more human. It brings us back to our human-ness. To be more human. To be connected to who and what we truly are is at the heart of our rest movement.” p. 27

“Rest is not a privilege because our bodies are still our own, no matter what the current systems teach us….Our bodies and Spirits do not belong to capitalism, no matter how it is theorized and presented.” p. 28-29

“I Trust the Creator and my Ancestors to always make space for my gifts and talents without needing to work myself into exhaustion.” p. 29

“Our rest is centered on connecting and reclaiming our divinity, given to us by our birth.” p. 62

“Without examining ;the hold social media has over our lives, we will never be able to push any rest movement forward. IT’s simply not possible because social media is an extension of capitalism.” p. 71

“I see the brilliance and miracle of human beings. We are not machines.” p. 74

“Is the Nap Ministry just for Black people?’ The question itself stems from a white suprematist mindset that refuses to accept this truth: Black libration is a balm for all humanity and this message is from all those suffering from the ways of white supremacy and capitalism.” p. 75

“White people have had their humanity stripped from them via white supremacy. They are spiritually deficient and blinded by the idea that they are superior to other divine human beings. The lineage of terror, violence, enslavement resides in those bodies and hearts.” p. 76

“My freedom from grind culture is intimately tied up in the healing and liberation of all those around me. Community care and full communal unraveling is the ultimate goal for any justice world, because without this we will be left vulnerable to the lie of toxic individualism.” p. 76

“Rest is a meticulous love practice.” p. 147

“Do not let your lack of money and possessions make you feel negative about your worth as a human being.” p. 148

Do not let your credit score, man-made poverty, and/or racism define your extreme power. Your body is a site of liberation.” p. 148

“Your birth was not a coincidence.” p. 148

“You can rest. You can shift. You can heal. You can resist. You can lay down right now. If you are in a safe space that would allow for you to lay down, please do so as you read. If it’s not safe to recline. just slow down your breathing. Visualize your favorite place to slumber and relax. Go there in your mind. May these rest moments multiply as you integrate more into your daily practice.”  p. 148

“You don’t have to be always be creating, doing, and contributing to the world. Your birth grants you rest and leisure as well.” p. 152

Rest is Resistance Week 4

A brain with laundry, baby, a man helping, groceries, dinner, baby at the doctors, sewing an elephant and eyes opened wide clearly overwhelmed image from

Week 4 “Who was I before the terror of the toxic systems? p. 56
Psalm 127:7: In vain you get up early and stay up late, sweating to make a living, because God loves us and provides for us even while we sleep. (Inclusive Bible)
Isaiah 40:31
Mark 4:36-41
(W)holistic Self

Call to Worship
(Breathe in) God created me
(Breathe out) I can create

Prayer of the Day
help us
to find spaces
for rest
help us to affirm
that we can
without making things
teach us
to allow

Call to Confession: Come let us dream together with God.

Prayer of Confession: God we confess that we have trouble relaxing. We feel the waves, the pressure, the turbulent urge to make to do lists as an necessary urgency. We confess that it all feels the same–that life feels like a giant job. True rest and sanctuary seem to be impossible. Where is the pillow? We confess that we do not believe that you accomplish things while we sleep. Full truth, we do not trust you enough for that God. Forgive us, and teach us how to find that Sabbath, rest and sanctuary we pray. (Silent confession) Amen.

Assurance of Pardon: Hear the Good News: God dreamt us into being, and God loves us into wholeness. Know the good news: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

Suggested Rest Practices
Rest Poem p. 101 (read to congregation)
Have everyone pick a “More” phrase from page 124 to silently contemplate, write, doodle, walk around with
Have everyone read kids stories to one another/Read a kids story to the congregation Intentionally, Show the pictures, do the voices
Have everyone write down their favorite song/album, make a commitment to listen to it that week

If you appreciate my work, please support my D. Min in Creative Writing. I am in my final year and raising money here:


Shared by Moneyless Society, @rainiawrites: I don’t need a workshop on work-life balance, I need the downfall of empire. By a beautiful flower (magnolia-like)

Week 4 Notes

Do you remember daydreaming as a child?

“To hear the simple and bold proclamation ‘You are doing too much. You can rest. You can just be. You can be’ is revolutionary.” p. 96

“Who taught you the capacity to dream?…When ddi your desire to daydream fade away?” p. 98 (some people think that ritual is the capacity to dream together

Twitter Post:

I’m reading a fascinating little book by Byung-Chul Han called *The Disappearance of Rituals.* In it, Han makes the provocative implication that ritual is actually a kind of “play.” With the disappearance of rituals (communal performances that cultivate recognition and stability), “The holy seriousness of play gives way to the profane seriousness of work.” Thus we become an atomized, isolated, and narcissistic society oriented toward industry instead of community. Han writes, “Rituals and ceremonies are the genuinely human acts which allow life to appear to be an enchanting, celebratory affair. Their disappearance desecrates and profanes, transforming life into mere survival. we might thus expect a re-enchantment of the world to create a healing power that could counteract collective narcissism.”

“Daydreaming is a form of rest and feels like the opening of your great doing what it’s supposed to do… A blanket of care swaddling you tightly. A comforting now. We are socialized into systems that cause us to conform and believe our worth is connected to how much we can produce…we forget how to dream. This is how grind culture continues. We internalize the lies and in turn become agents..” p 99 ex: Holy Imagination, Anne of Green Gables

Audre Lorde Poetry is not a Luxury “Poetry is not only a dream and vision: it is the skeleton architecture of our lives. It lays the foundation for a future of change a bridge across our fears of what has never been before.” p. 100 humans need art, Hogfather: Humans need to imagine justice

“All right,” said Susan. “I’m not stupid. You’re saying humans need… fantasiesto make life bearable.”


“Tooth fairies? Hogfathers? Little—”


“So we can believe the big ones?”


“They’re not the same at all!”


Death waved a hand.


“Yes, but people have got to believe that, or what’s the point—”


– Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

Rest Poem p. 101 (read to congregation)

Cultivate DreamSpace p. 106-107

p. 124
More Care.
More Therapy.
More Dreams
More Daydreaming
More DreamSpace
More Meditation.
More Love.
More Calls to Say, “How Are You Feeling?”
More Love Letters.
More Bedtime Stories.
More Strength to Love.
More Naps.
More Rest.
More Sleep.
More Care.
Place Us in a Dream Trance.

“This is not a book offering a step-by-step rigid list for you to find rest in a capitalist system. As a culture, we have already given ourselves over to a rigid binary that is neither expansive nor imaginative.” p. 125

Rest is Resistance Week 3

Woodspell.apothecary post Sensory rest is silent walks. Soothing scents. Loose clothing. Cosy socks. Deep pleasure. Spiritual rest is meditation. Prayer. Energy healing. Full moon rituals. Creative rest is drawing. Pompom making. Cake decorating. Reading fantasy novels. Trying new recipe. Playful rest is anything fun and unproductive. Watching a romcom. Playing a board game. Doing a puzzle. Building a fort.

Week 3 What would it feel like to be consistently rested?” p. 56
Psalm 34:8-10
Ecclesiastes 4:6

Call to Worship
(Breathe in) I am enough.
(Breathe out) I am enough now

Prayer of the Day
We are Divine
to Rest
is to Be Human,
Give us the chance
to Unfurl,
the stories that await
and uncover
if only we Rest
and Dream ourselves
Out of
The Systems
We pray.

Call to Confession: God calls us to dream ourselves with God, so come, let us rest with the Divine.

Confession: God, we confess that we do not dream enough. We do not value our divine spark. We confess that we busy ourselves: with getting by, surviving, achieving, even outdoing one another. We confess to honor the Sabbath. Remind us that rest is holy and beautiful, and helps us reclaim our humanity we pray. Amen.

Suggested Rest Practices
Worship Outside/Lay on the Grass
Hand Out Journals for Folks to Write in:
Ask them to Ponder and either, Remind them this their time, give a long space, 15 or 20 minutes tell them they Write Nothing OR Write Where they are the most exhausted: physically, emotionally, mentally, in their soul or perhaps Write Down what kinds of rest are rejuvenating (use the examples above to help), or they can simply draw or Doodle, play restful background music, offer that they can move, walk, stretch during this time
Play-do/Clay to play with
Celebrate Communion (see notes)

Raising of Dorcas/Tabitha: Did She want to Get up?

If you appreciate my work, please support my D. Min in Creative Writing. I am in my final year and raising money here:


Suicide Prevention Chapter Indiana Shared, By Blessing Manifesting: Divine yourself what you need Today! What’s “one thing” on this list that would just make your “whole day” better! Make time for that thing today! (In a Rainbow Drink) In blue: A break. A nap. Sleep. Time to rest & Recharge. In Purple: Art. Reading. Writing. Time being Creative. In Pink: Quiet time. Meditation. Yoga. Getting Zen. In Orange: A book. A blanket. A cuddly Pet. In Yellow: Movement. Sweat. High Energy Music.

Week 3 Notes

“You’d don’t belong on the grind” p. 11

“We are divine. Our bodies are divine and a site of liberation. Wherever our bodies are, we can find, snatch, and center rest.” p. 26

“What stories are we holding deep inside that are untold and uncovered because we are too exhausted?” p. 26

Imagine a world without oppression.
Take more time here. Visualize softness.
Breathe deep
Envision a world of justice

Stay here. p. 11

“Resting is ancient, slow and connected work that will take hold of you in ways that may be surprising. Let deprogramming from grind culture surprise you. Let your entire being slowly begin to shift. Get lost in rest. Pull up the blankets, search for softness and be open to the ways rest will surprise and calm you.” p. 17

“We sleep and regenerate. Our cells begin a sacred rhythm of repair and release. And when we wake we are more whole, less inflamed, more aware. And, of course, we sleep, that we might dream.” All things promise to us in scripture. p. 153 of “This Here Flesh” by Cole Arthur Riley Sleep is a part of the Resurrection promise

“Can you imagine a few hours a day of not being connected to your phones or email inboxes. What feelings rise inside when you imagine it?…Would you have more time to daydream, rest, nap? Would you go to bed earlier?” p. 69

Do you remember daydreaming as a child? p. 95

“To hear the simple and bold proclamation ‘You are doing too much. You can rest. You can just be. You can be’ is revolutionary.” p. 96

“For many, rest is not a familiar proposition. It can be unsettling to experience the unknown ways rest can save you. We must continue to learn, trust and experiment. If we lose hope, we must take to our beds and dream ways to ind motivation again.” p. 97

“We taught you he capacity to dream?…When ddi your desire to daydream fade away?” p. 98 (some people think that ritual is the capacity to dream together

I’m reading a fascinating little book by Byung-Chul Han called *The Disappearance of Rituals.* In it, Han makes the provocative implication that ritual is actually a kind of “play.” With the disappearance of rituals (communal performances that cultivate recognition and stability), “The holy seriousness of play gives way to the profane seriousness of work.” Thus we become an atomized, isolated, and narcissistic society oriented toward industry instead of community. 

Han writes, “Rituals and ceremonies are the genuinely human acts which allow life to appear to be an enchanting, celebratory affair. Their disappearance desecrates and profanes, transforming life into mere survival. we might thus expect a re-enchantment of the world to create a healing power that could counteract collective narcissism.” 

Not self care, wellness

“Our rest is centered on connecting and reclaiming our divinity, given to us by our birth.” p. 62

CORRECTION “The concept of filling up your cup first so you can have enough in it to put to others feels off balance. It reeks of language that is part of our daily mantra. Language like ‘I will sleep when I am dead,’ “rise and grind,’” and is geared to women p.62 esp. marginalized!!! 

“I propose that the cups all be broken into little pieces” Something about communion here p. 63 , Celebrate Communion, but Make it Extravagant, Talk about how Jesus Broke the Bread and Completely poured himself out so no one else would have to–no dinky cups, share with everyone–make it a feast, a picnic or just give everyone overflowing cups and bread

Resting can look like p. 85-86

  1. Closing your eyes for 10 minutes
  2. A longer shower is silence
  3. Meditating on the couch for 20 minutes
  4. Daydreaming by staring out the window
  5. Sipping warm tea before bed in the dark
  6. Slow dancing with yourself to slow music
  7. Experiencing a Sound bath or sound healing
  8. A Sun Salutation 
  9. A twenty-minute timed nap
  10. Praying
  11. Crafting a small alter in your home
  12. A long, warm bath
  13. Taking regular breaks from social media
  14. Not immediately responding to texts and emails
  15. Deep listening to a full music album 
  16. A meditative walk in nature
  17. Knitting, crocheting, sewing, quilting
  18. Playing a musical instrument 
  19. Deep eye contact
  20. Laughing intensely