Prayer for when we legislate things..

This is a prayer for those
who need
posting the ten commandments

and the denominations that need

expel women
define “marriage”

in ways the devalue personhood

This is a prayer because
God melt the hearts
of those

who only have
one hardened
understanding of


God I pray that you melt
their hearts

God I pray that you
sing poetry to them
in their dreams

And show them
the mysteries of the heavens
tell them
that it is


not to have a quick

and solution

I pray for children that ask awkward

I pray for elders
with mystical wisdom

I pray for animals
with unspoken relatedness

This is a prayer
for all parts of faith
that are not words
etched in stone

But people
beautifully alive
in community
eating, dancing
laughing in the mystery of faith

this is my prayer
for all those who are stuck
in the “right” Christianity today

feel free to use/share/adapt with credit to Pastor Katy Stenta “KatyandtheWord”

Author: katyandtheword

Pastor Katy has enjoyed ministry at New Covenant since 2010, where the church has solidified its community focus. She now works at Capital CFO plus as the Non Profit Director. All opinions expressed on this blog are her own and do not reflect those of Capital CFO plus. Prior to that she studied both Theology and Christian Formation at Princeton Theological Seminary. She also served as an Assistant Chaplain at Trenton Psychiatric Hospital and as the Christian Educational Coordinator at Bethany Presbyterian at Bloomfield, NJ. She is an writer and is published in Enfleshed, Sermonsuite, Presbyterian's today and Outlook. She writes prayers, liturgy, poems and public theology and is pursuing her doctorate in ministry in Creative Write and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. She enjoys working within and connecting to the community, is known to laugh a lot during service, and tells as many stories as possible. Pastor Katy loves reading Science Fiction and Fantasy, theater, arts and crafts, music, playing with children and sunshine, and continues to try to be as (w)holistically Christian as possible. "Publisher after publisher turned down A Wrinkle in Time," L'Engle wrote, "because it deals overtly with the problem of evil, and it was too difficult for children, and was it a children's or an adult's book, anyhow?" The next year it won the prestigious John Newbery Medal. Tolkien states in the foreword to The Lord of the Rings that he disliked allegories and that the story was not one.[66] Instead he preferred what he termed "applicability", the freedom of the reader to interpret the work in the light of his or her own life and times.

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